Fenix Digital L2D/LD20 more robust than simpler L2T/TK20?


Sep 15, 2006
Province of Antwerp / Belgium

Yesterday it happened again: a broken Fenix L2T (rebel 80) :oops:
For no apparant reason it would no longer light up. I changed batteries, tailcaps, cleaned the contacts but it remained dead.
In 2006 I had an original L2T (luxeon III) that died as well, shortly after I got it and for no obvious reason.

In the meanwhile I have bought 10, or more, L2D models since 2007-2008, one for myself (I still use and cherish the rebel 100 version, it is my most used EDC for nearly three years now) and all the others (all Q5 versions) were gifts for friends and family. Nearly all of these are put through hard use and they just keep on working admirably. No failures with any of these L2D models.:thumbsup:

So this makes me wonder if the digital Fenixes are basically of a more robust and better design than the simpler L2T. And: are the 2-output TK -models (TK20, TK1, TK10 and TK11) of similar design than the L2T ?
If the latter is true I might feel better buying a TK12 to replace my TK11... (Although several "punishment"-tests on Youtube may prove that the TK range is very "tank-like")

Can anyone give their comments on this one?

Kind regards,

FWIW: my original L2P (luxeon I) also broke down. This after a fall from about 4 or 5 feet on a lynoleum-like floor.

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