Fenix flashlights and Rechargeable Li-Ion batterries


Newly Enlightened
Jul 8, 2007
Has anyone tried RCR123(3.7V) rechargeable Li-Ion batteries on Fenix P2D CE or 14500(also 3.7V) rechargeable Li-Ion batteries on Fenix L1D CE?

If so, does it burn up the emitter or curcuit when used for a long period of time?

Does it affect the mode changing function of P2DCE or L1D CE?

What about increase in brightness compared to using the normal primary CR123A(3.0V) or alkaline(1.5V) batteries?

Any experiences, suggestions or opinions will be appreciated very much.

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I am using a P2D CE Q5 with AW RCR123A, and a L1T V2.0 RB80 with AW 14500. Thus far, about a month and perhaps 10 hours of actual use of each, I cannot see any dimming, or other ill effects. Both lights gets warm while using them on the high (L1T) or turbo (P2D) mode, so prolonged use in those modes might not be the best thing for the emitter. However, if I drop down to any other mode, heat problems are unlikely.

On the P2D, all modes except turbo are the same (low, med, high), about 60% of turbo mode, until the cell is almost depleted. The L1T works the same way, low is about 60% of high, until the voltage of the cell gets close to 3V.

I haven't noticed any extra brightness of the P2D wile running RCR123A compared to a primary cells. However, the L1T is much brighter on AW 14500, my guess would be about 170%, compared with an AA LiMH. As this head is used also on the L2T (3V with primaries, 140 emitter lumens), running it on a 14500 isn't THAT much over factory specification.

It is hard to say what will happen in the long term. I am running both lights outside factory specifications, so if they will dim in 100 or 1000 hours, I won't call Fenix and complain, but it would give me a reason to get a few other lights, perhaps specified to run on Li-Ion batteries ...
It is hard to say what will happen in the long term.

Got to think that at the rate Fenix releases new LED bins any adverse effects would not be that big an issue. The light will be practically obsolete in 12-18 months anyway.
i am using RCR123 on My Fenix P1 and P3D , 14500 on L1D all works fine except i loose some modes.