Fenix P3D 'General High' vs. 'Turbo' specs RELATIVELY accurate?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 6, 2009
NorthWest Ohio, U.S.A.

Are the Fenix lumen specs for their P3D 'Turbo' mode RELATIVELY accurate compared to 'General High' mode? An individual P3D's actual output at 'General Low', 'General Medium', and 'General High' is the relative baseline.

I am not asking whether Fenix P3D lumen specs are conservative, accurate, or optimistic compared to other models or manufacturers, but is the Turbo spec relatively in proportion to the General specs?

The General High spec is 120.
The Turbo is 215.

Is the Turbo output
a bit less than TWICE the numeric, not perceived, output of General High
Is Turbo closer to 50% more than General High?

If I didn't state my query clearly here's another way of asking the same thing.

The specs in General mode are 12, 53, and 120 lumens. Turbo is 215 lumens. Let's say my specific P3D puts out a whole lot less. Adjusted by the 'constant' ("a whole lot less"), will 'High to Turbo'
still have the same relative relationship as the numbers 12, 53, 120 to the number 215?

I am "number impaired", so apologies for what a third grader could pose in just a few words :stupid:.
Hi there! I have not done any conclusive testing recently so here were my findings on a LD10.

*Please note that these are following Fenix's published lumen values and not out the front lumens. Just as a disclaimer, I believe the OTF lumens of the LD10 to be between 75-90 lumens. It is definately less bright than my 100 lumen Inova T1.

Fenix's claims:
Turbo > High > Med > Low
120 L > 94 L > 47 L > 9 L

My tests*:
Turbo > High > Med > Low
120 L > 103 L > 50 L > 4 L

Since my tests are not fool proof, I'd say that the general lumen specs ARE relatively in proportion to the Turbo spec.
I couldn't decipher what you were trying to ask. But if you look at the peak lux values measured for the various modes in this review, you'll see the relationship follows closely to what is advertised with exception of low mode which seems a bit off.
polkiuj and Toaster,

THANK YOU! You've answered what I was trying to ask :thumbsup:.

I use the the P3D Q5, with a custom 3 cell body The FenixStore offered a year+ ago, for walking our dogs in our suburban neighborhood. I use low as a horizontal 'marker' light on the sidewalk and high when we're crossing the street.

Since you gentlemen have kindly verified that the turbo mode is substantially brighter than high, I am reassured to know I have an additional level with which to alert speed demons who have mistaken our sub-division for an F1 track~:eek:!

This also allows me to save the Stanley HID 3000 for the truly dangerous drivers, such as those flying low at four or perhaps even FIVE :faint: miles per hour over the 25 MPH speed limit. :laughing:

"Honest to goodness Officer, my Schutzhund GSDs and me were out for our evening walk and this here 'Dukes of Hazzard' fella come barrelin round the corner in power on oversteer. Big ole six barrel carb kicks open and here he come prolly doin twenty seven, twenty eight mile an hour. Next thing ya know, his windshield melts, wraps itself around his head and torso, the whole cabin bursts into flames, and yonder fire hydrant puts that boy in PARK permanently. Yes Sir. Just like that. You can even ask my Dogs!" :shakehead

P.S. Speed Demons: No offense. I'm a recovering horsepower junkie myself. And I'm an equal opportunity offender. I lust after both the new Camaro SS and the 4.8 Audi RS4, Corvette and Maranello, Exige to Maybach and all the objet d'lust in between! :rock:

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