Fenix P3D low/medium modes, lower than L1D?


Nov 29, 2006
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Can someone check this for me?

Flashlight reviews states that the low and medium modes on the P3D are a lot lower than the other models (L1/2D and P2D).

Can I get other sources to confirm this?

I wouldn't mind a lower low, so if this is true, it's a plus!

I don't have the L1D configuration, but my P3D low and medium modes are noticeabley lower than my P2D. Thought I had a freak but grew to like the low "low". I'll be interested to hear if this is the case for all P3D's.
I have just re-checked and can confirm that the low mode of P3D is significantly lower than the ones of L1D and P2D. I can't say the same for medium mode where P3D appears to the eye to be par with the others.
Trust me to be different. My P3D on low and medium is about the same as my P2D on low and medium. On high and turbo my P3D is brighter.
I just checked my P3D vs. my L2D. The L2D is brighter than the P3D on Low and Medium settings.
I have some 3.6V RCR123A cells on the way which I plan on using in the P3D. Hopefully the low-medium modes will be brighter with these cells. I don't mind it the way it is, if I need bright, I always have high and turbo :)