Fenix P3D works but is half as bright. Any fix?


Jun 10, 2007
Mesa, AZ
As the title says my Fenix P3D now puts out maybe half of the light it originally did on every level. Doesn't matter what cells I put in it I get the same results. Mine is the RB100 model. Any clue on what could have happened and if it can be fixed for less than the cost of a new light? I already replaced it with a PD30 but I sure would like to get it working good again if possible.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
Have you tried to clean all the threads? Were did you buy it?

For how long time have you used the flashlight? I also got an P3D RB100, I think that I'm on my third or forth set of batteries and it still works perfect.
Bad contacts, and a possible bad Rebel, but that's all I can think of, unless the light was extensively abused.
I think it's a defective emitter. There were some problems with Rebels and Fenix quit using them. Ask your dealer for a replacement (you'll get Cree version instead of Rebel).
Well I got it in Oct. 2007 from Fenix Store, which I believe is now 4Sevens, right? I looked on there and don't see anything about a warranty. Is there one? The threads and all contacts are clean. It was never abused at all but it was used daily for about a year. Thanks for the input.
You are not alone :)

I have had exactly the same issue as this with 2 Rebel 100 P3Ds.

4sevens swapped out the first one for another P3D Rebel 100. Unfortunately this new one has now developed exactly the same problem and was posted back to 4Sevens yesterday.

I hope I get a Cree replacement - don't really want to have to go throught the whole process again. I'm confident he'll take care of me.
