Fenix Price Rise After Chinese New Yr


Dec 4, 2006
Norman, OK
I've just checked the Fenix Website and saw that their CREE lines have gone up couple dollars, if you didn't jump into the bandwagon at first when lights became available now you'd pay few extra bucks.
Wonder how much will be the next lights...
L1D CE was $51.00 -----> now $54.00
L2D CE was $52.50 -----> now $55.00
L0D CE was $42.40 -----> now $44.00

Yup, I got bitten by the price rise, I was on the fence about the fenix lights, and decided to go ahead and get one, paying more when i did it.

Unfortunately they are also out of stock on some, and I now have to wait for them to get back into stock also!

Kydex Secrets
Expect to see a kydex sheath for the new fenix as soon as i get it!
InfidelCastro said:
How much do you suppose it costs them to make per unit?

Good question.

Some Chinese products are made by slave type labor - so for those the overhead is smaller. Hopefully people making the Fenix lights are free to work there or not and are getting paid a good wage in Chinese terms.
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I'm gonna say it straight up. {censored} Fenix! Their lights are getting so {censored} expensive. I
remember the days when their lights were $40 & under. Nowadays it seems evrything is above
that. They are straight up price gouging.

I rather spend my money on chinese lights elsewhere such as DX,Kai,etc. At least most of their CREE&SSC are priced $25 and less.
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Agreed. $55 is ridiculous for what you get. I payed that much for my new Inova T4.

The Fenix's have even got the same half a cent circuit board that's in every other chinalight. What's the point of paying the premium?
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beefy6969 said:
I'm gonna say it straight up. {censored} Fenix! Their lights are getting so {censored} expensive. I
remember the days when their lights were $40 & under. Nowadays it seems evrything is above
that. They are straight up price gouging.

I rather spend my money on chinese lights elsewhere such as DX,Kai,etc. At least most of their CREE&SSC are priced $25 and less.
Yeah {censored} them for wanting to make money! How dare they raise the price when people are willing to pay!?

Seriously who are we to say what they should charge? If people are buying the products at the higher price, of bloody course they'll keep pushing the price up to see how far they can go. They would be stupid to do anything else. You don't think SureFire and other high end manufacturers have a pretty darn good margin on their lights?

Vote with your wallets and stop whining like little kids, jeebus...
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Robban said:
Yeah {censored} them for wanting to make money! How dare they raise the price when people are willing to pay!?

Seriously who are we to say what they should charge? If people are buying the products at the higher price, of bloody course they'll keep pushing the price up to see how far they can go. They would be stupid to do anything else. You don't think SureFire and other high end manufacturers have a pretty darn good margin on their lights?

Vote with your wallets and stop whining like little kids, jeebus...

Who are we to say? This is a discussion forum and we'll bloody well say what we feel like saying. Sometimes I feel like I'm reading one long infomercial for Fenix. Is it okay with you if we dare say what is on our minds? jeez.
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I'm gonna say it straight up. {censored} Fenix! Their lights are getting so {censored} expensive. I
remember the days when their lights were $40 & under. Nowadays it seems evrything is above
that. They are straight up price gouging.

I rather spend my money on chinese lights elsewhere such as DX,Kai,etc. At least most of their CREE&SSC are priced $25 and less.
I generally agree, but in the case of DX/Kai, those prices are unbelievable for what you get in my opinion. I suspect they have almost zero profit margin though -- and I wouldn't be surprised if they have to raise prices down the road to stay in business. Of course, even if they raised their prices on most of their merchandise by 50%, they would still be hands down cheaper than elsewhere.

Buy Luxeon Based Fenix :)
It's quite possible they made the pricing shift to try to get rid of some of their Luxeon merchandise -- if they've been selling out their Cree items and their luxeon stuff is sitting on the shelf, they'd rather charge a bit more for the Cree and get more people to buy Luxeon stuff for the same old price as before, than drastically cut prices on Luxeon.
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InfidelCastro said:
Agreed. $55 is ridiculous for what you get. I payed that much for my new T4.

It's even got the same half a cent circuit board that's in every other chinalight. What's the point of paying the premium?

no offense but whats the point 4-6 times the price of a fenix spending on a surefire? do you really think (or anyone else for that matter) that you get a 4-6 times better lamp? come on....

regards, holger
cal..45 said:
no offense but whats the point 4-6 times the price of a fenix spending on a surefire? do you really think (or anyone else for that matter) that you get a 4-6 times better lamp? come on....

regards, holger

The most expensive Sure-Fire I have cost around $190, an M3 Combatlight. Most equivalent Sure-Fires are not $220 - $330 on the open market.

Fenix's are okay, I've owned a few, but I wouldn't want to trust my life on it. What do I do, if I want to have a tactical momentary switch? How about if I want a momentary + clicky?

How about if I want to run an incan lamp in it. Can I do that? What if I want to switch to a different LED easily?

How about the finish? The finish on my Fenix's have shown signs of wear and the holster was falling apart after light use.

What about if I want to clip it to my pocket? How's the warranty service going to be on your L1P? Can you even find compatible parts anymore? And we're talking about a light that's not even two years old.

I guess you can look on the bright side, if you ever want to get high without spending any money you can always sniff the inside of your Fenix. :)
Value is decided by the purchaser. If you feel that paying $200 for a Surefire is a value, then it is. If you feel that paying $55 for a Fenix is a value, then it is. Price is really a non issue. To me a light is a tool, if that tool does what it is made to do and makes my life easier, then it doesn't matter if it cost $200 or $55 dollars, it has paid for itself the first time I use it. Now if I am just going to shine it at wall, then value takes on a different meaning......

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