Fenix's new LD12 'neutral white' 2017 edition

Woods Walker

The Wood is cut, The Bacon is cooked, Now it’s tim
Jun 8, 2008
New England woods.
Me too. Life's too short to talk yourself into or justify a less-than-great tint. If it wasn't a hobby and something I enjoyed, I'd just buy it and use it like "normal" people. But I don't want to be normal; I want to be a flashaholic with good tints! "Tint doesn't matter in real use" is a joke to me. If it's not a great tint, I really don't want to use it because there ARE good options out there...why not find them and use them!?!

I bought plenty of Fenix lights over the years. They were everything from purple, blue, green and yellow. The only good tint I had, and still have, was the PD32UE. But even that took me 5 TRIES!!! The two PD32UEs I still have are pretty close together, both around 5000K and pretty darn white.
I think it's a lottery no matter the maker unless the light is very very tint specific aka marketed as such. I remember a ZL which was for "tint snobs" or so the maker said. Or something to the effect. For example the M61NL in my G2Z isn't as good as the one in my MD2 (darn near perfect) though it's still ok enough. The CW in my M61LL XP-G2 is really nice but the one in my Fenix LD10 XP-G1 is angry space alien blue. However the XR-E in an old L2D-Q5 is ok. The Tint in my NW Tiara XM-L2 is just ok but the one in my XHP-50 wizard is fantastic. Then again all of this is personal interpretation.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 3, 2015
Northwestern Ontario, Canada
I think this is a matter of personal perception. I consider 5000K as good neutral white and 4000K as definitely on the upper scale of warm white.

5000K is neutral white but, it is on the very coolest side of neutral white. In fact it is quite blueish when compared to most ambient light. Anything above 5000K is definitely cool white. 4000K is neutral too but, on the warm side of the neutral range. Anything below 4000K is getting into the warm spectrum.

Neutral white definitely has a range and that range is different depending on source. I think most people and sources consider 4000-5000K to be neutral white.

4500K would be a good middle ground for most people and uses imo. But remember, the light that seems the most natural/neutral to your eyes will be the one that most closely matches the ambient light you are in because your eyes wont be forced to adjust. Moonlight is 4000K just for reference.
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Nov 4, 2013
5000K is neutral white but, it is on the very coolest side of neutral white. In fact it is quite blueish when compared to most ambient light. Anything above 5000K is definitely cool white. 4000K is neutral too but, on the warm side of the neutral range. Anything below 4000K is getting into the warm spectrum. Neutral white definitely has a range and that range is different depending on source. I think most people and sources consider 4000-5000K to be neutral white. 4500K would be a good middle ground for most people and uses imo. But remember, the light that seems the most natural/neutral to your eyes will be the one that most closely matches the ambient light you are in because your eyes wont be forced to adjust. Moonlight is 4000K just for reference.
Moonlight might be around 4000K sometimes but it doesn't cast a sepia tone on everything within range which is what low 4000K Cree emitters seem to do (or pink if you're Nichia).


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 3, 2015
Northwestern Ontario, Canada
Moonlight might be around 4000K sometimes but it doesn't cast a sepia tone on everything within range which is what low 4000K Cree emitters seem to do (or pink if you're Nichia).
That depends on the emitter tint you have/get. The tint, colour temp, CRI, etc. all effect how a particular emitter renders what you are looking at. I have a 4000K XP-L and it has a nice tint with none of this sepia tone you speak of. As for the Nichia, again it all depends on the tint. I have a couple lights with high CRI 219B 4000K(SW40) emitters and neither have the slightest hint of magenta/pink. Both are a beautiful creamy white. You are likely thinking about the first 219A's as many of them were rosy(not that there is anything wrong with rose, I will take it over greenish any day).

Keep in mind too that your eyes will rapidly adapt to any slight colour variation in a light and it will quickly look normal. The tint in lights is usually only pronounced when it is compared to another light or the ambient light your eyes have already adapted to. Or, when white wall hunting. In actual use as long as you don't have an emitter with strong tint shift away from the black body radiation line it matters little.


Newly Enlightened
Apr 21, 2014
Hi Goldenlight, we are sorry for that. Pls take some photos of the beam and send them with the serial number of your light to our official CS department [email protected]

We will give you a solution. Thanks!

If you are entertaining the notion of BUYING one of the new Fenix 'neutral white' LD12 2017 edition, I have a word for you:


I did, and just like EVERY OTHER FENIX FLASHLIGHT, it has the SAME rotten urine, split pea soup puke, green LED emitter.

I have NEVER SEEN a Fenix light with anything even approaching a 'decent tint' LED emitter. Not once.

But, like an IDIOT, I still sent them $50 of my hard earned money, because I, obviously mistakenly, thought they might, oh I don't know, MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE A NEUTRAL WHITE EMITTER.


Indeed, you will just get the SAME POC GREEN LED flashlight they have ALWAYS SOLD.

Can anybody point me toward a nice single AA flashlight that ACTUALLY PRODUCES a neutral white light, can use a 14500 battery, and has nicely spaced output levels? That would NOT be like most SureFire flashlights: 500, 400, and 5 lumens.

The GREEN LED Fenix LD12 2017 has 5, 30, 70, 150/320 lumens NiMH= 150 lumens, and 320= 14500 li-Ion rechargeable. Even if you can only scrape up an alkaline AA cell, you get 5, 30, 70, 150 lumens, though the run times are poor, compared to an Eneloop. Or a 14500. But they are well spaced.

If only Fenix would put a cool white, or neutral white LED, instead of the rotten urine, split pea soup puke, green LED emitters in their flashlights. I have no use nor need for a green LED flashlight.

The last time I sent one of these fugly green flashlights back to Fenix, they sent me back the EXACT SAME FLASHLIGHT, with the SAME EMITTER.


Jul 10, 2005
Right here....
As a follow up to this story, I got two more LD12 2017 flashlights. Each was WORSE than the previous. There is NOTHING in the emitters even remotely close to white or yellow. They are GREEN. FUGLY GREEN.

No, they are VASTLY WORSE than the original one I had. Split pea soup, puked up onto a hospital white sheet. It's a really PERFECT DESCRIPTION of just HOW BAD these LD12 2017 'neutral white' flashlights look.

Fenix is OBVIOUSLY using extremely poorly binned emitters, in an attempt to maximize profit.

It's very simple: they are selling flashlights that aren't even CLOSE to what they advertise. They are NOT neutral white. They are a particularly disgusting shade of GREEN.

One of the people at Fenix FINALLY ADMITTED TO ME, that after looking at FOUR LD12 2017 models, they ALL have a VERY GREEN TINT. He said they "aren't really neutral white". and that "I wish we had some flashlights with good emitters, but we don't".

So he admitted that he knows the product isn't anywhere NEAR up to standard, but they are taking peoples' money, and KNOWINGLY selling them a product that is substandard, and not even CLOSE to being 'neutral white'.

This is called consumer fraud. By his own admission.

And, Fenix has ignored my E-mail requests for a refund.

Now that's a really STUPID thing to do. Not to mention the total lack of ETHICS involved.

I have the order number. I have the RMA number. I have the USPS tracking number that PROVES I returned the flashlight.

I requested a refund.

They have not even acknowledged receiving my E-mails. Nothing. They haven't returned my telephone calls, either.

This is Fenix's 'customer service'.

At first they just tried to DENY that the LD12 2017 had a split pea soup puke green color.

But they finally did admit it. They admitted it to me, which is the RIGHT THING TO DO.

Nobody makes points with me by LYING TO ME. But that WAS THEIR FIRST TACTIC. Lie to the customer. Perhaps it works with some customers. Not with me.

But now they won't refund my money.

What an incredibly stupid thing to do.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2014
Soooooooooooo.......you DON'T like the light??
As a follow up to this story, I got two more LD12 2017 flashlights. Each was WORSE than the previous. There is NOTHING in the emitters even remotely close to white or yellow. They are GREEN. FUGLY GREEN.

No, they are VASTLY WORSE than the original one I had. Split pea soup, puked up onto a hospital white sheet. It's a really PERFECT DESCRIPTION of just HOW BAD these LD12 2017 'neutral white' flashlights look.

Fenix is OBVIOUSLY using extremely poorly binned emitters, in an attempt to maximize profit.

It's very simple: they are selling flashlights that aren't even CLOSE to what they advertise. They are NOT neutral white. They are a particularly disgusting shade of GREEN.

One of the people at Fenix FINALLY ADMITTED TO ME, that after looking at FOUR LD12 2017 models, they ALL have a VERY GREEN TINT. He said they "aren't really neutral white". and that "I wish we had some flashlights with good emitters, but we don't".

So he admitted that he knows the product isn't anywhere NEAR up to standard, but they are taking peoples' money, and KNOWINGLY selling them a product that is substandard, and not even CLOSE to being 'neutral white'.

This is called consumer fraud. By his own admission.

And, Fenix has ignored my E-mail requests for a refund.

Now that's a really STUPID thing to do. Not to mention the total lack of ETHICS involved.

I have the order number. I have the RMA number. I have the USPS tracking number that PROVES I returned the flashlight.

I requested a refund.

They have not even acknowledged receiving my E-mails. Nothing. They haven't returned my telephone calls, either.

This is Fenix's 'customer service'.

At first they just tried to DENY that the LD12 2017 had a split pea soup puke green color.

But they finally did admit it. They admitted it to me, which is the RIGHT THING TO DO.

Nobody makes points with me by LYING TO ME. But that WAS THEIR FIRST TACTIC. Lie to the customer. Perhaps it works with some customers. Not with me.

But now they won't refund my money.

What an incredibly stupid thing to do.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2014
But seriously folks. Golden maybe you should start ordering from Amazon. Great customer service, fast shipping, and VERY easy returns.


Jul 10, 2005
Right here....

They have a warehouse full of LD12 2017 'neutral white' flashlights with puke green LED emitters. And even though they KNOW they are nowhere NEAR being 'neutral white', they have made the decision to commit consumer fraud, and sell them ANYWAY.

NOBODY is going to get an LD12 2017 with an ACTUAL 'neutral white' LED emitter. And Fenix KNOWS THIS. That's really reprehensible, in my book.

And keeping my money and refusing to refund it, is further criminal activity. Probably just a misdemeanor. Unless they do it to 10 people. Then it becomes a felony. The upcoming audit by the Oklahoma Attorney General's office will determine this. There have been ... 'other complaints'. Things happen quickly, when most of your friends are lawyers, and they ALL owe me favors. It will take some time for the papers to be served, though. I'm a patient man.

I always have the last laugh. Always.


Dec 16, 2007
According to their website they simply indicate they are using an XP-G2 R2 emitter. There is no mention of a guaranteed specific color temperature. So while you or someone else may not like the tint personally, as long as they use the emitter and bin they specify, they aren't committing fraud.

That said, if they offered a refund and you sent the light in, they do need to refund you. I do agree with you on that! Did you send it to Fenix HQ or to the vendor you bought it from?


Dec 6, 2013
On Earth
What I can't understand, golden, if you were so unhappy with the first one you bought, why go ahead and buy TWO more? To quote yourself: "What an incredibly stupid thing to do." I am an avid Fenix fan, and so I believe are some of the other flashaholics here on CPF. Whenever I had a problem in the past, and those were few and far between, I approached them in a decent way and they absolutely went out of their way to resolve my problem, and it was usually done VERY fast! Attitude says it all, I think.... Now attack me if you will - I'll not respond.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 10, 2010
El Paso
Maybe after trying to help you with the first light, Fenix has come to realize you are a customer that cannot be pleased? If tone is any indication that is. Wow indeed.

Things happen quickly, when most of your friends are lawyers, and they ALL owe me favors. It will take some time for the papers to be served, though. I'm a patient man.

I always have the last laugh. Always.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2014
Hey I get frustrated when I receive turd lights but I just send them back. I can't stop thinking about Goldenlight's last laugh......."hahahaha......Muwahahaaa....MUWAHahahaha..........MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!


Newly Enlightened
Dec 28, 2016
I truly love mine, it's my EDC now. I actually really like the tint as I don't lose my night vision which is pretty important on the trail. Bought a couple 14500 fenix batteries (nice battery) eneloop and lithiums...


Feb 3, 2010
I currently own 10 fenix lights, only 1 had a pukish greenish tint: LD41, but I had never even noticed until this guy flipped out, doesn't bother me, it does the job, off center emitters drive me nuts tho


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 5, 2012
The upcoming audit by the Oklahoma Attorney General's office will determine this. There have been ... 'other complaints'. Things happen quickly, when most of your friends are lawyers, and they ALL owe me favors. It will take some time for the papers to be served, though. I'm a patient man.

I always have the last laugh. Always.
i don't believe that you will dare take legal action in your 50$-flashlight case. with such action you'll antagonize the seller and also the readers in this thread. people will stop liking you.

anyway, which Fenix are we talking about? Fenix-StoreDOTcom? they are distributor only, not the manufacturer.:ironic:

DAYLIGHT WHITE BALANCE shot. looks better than 2013 model:
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2015
Goldenlight, we share similar views if not a similar cause, except my lack of resources limits me as a consumer to spread the word and simply not buy, as opposed to bring down a business. I just hope you've picked the right fight, a worthy fight.

Oh yeah, there's no need to be well-liked. But I think you already know that.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2008
Boden, Sweden

I am sorry about your disappointment with LD12. You are probably very unlucky or your eyes just have a higher sensitivity for green shades than the average person. Hope you will find the light which will fulfill your desire.
My LD12 2017edt has very white neutral tint in my eyes.