Firefly Bottle Lantern

Flying Turtle

Jan 28, 2003
Apex, NC
Don't know if this has been mentioned before. I was in the REI store today and spotted this LED top that screws on to wide mouth bottles to turn them into lanterns. It runs on 3 AAA's. I couldn't test it, but it looked well made. Seemed a bit pricey at $20, but it's pretty unique. Here's the maker's web page.

Hey - I was just getting ready to start a thread on this to see if anyone has tried one of these yet. I'm just wondering how much light it gives off and what light pattern you get when bottle is full or empty. Sounds like a neat idea and possibly a space saver if you'd normally carry a water bottle and a lantern. Just didn't know if it's a gimmick or really useful.
I just spotted it again today at ****'s Sporting Goods. Price there was $19.99. If I didn't already have a bunch of lanterns I'd snap one up. Still might.

Ingenius! Unless bugs are attracted to light, then it seems kind of dumb. I don't know that I would want to drink out of the gnat & mayfly bottle.

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