First trip with E2


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 3, 2001
San Diego, California
I'm goin on a trip to Santa Barbara for 5 days. I just wanted to know how many backup batteries most of you would carry on a trip like this. What i'll be doing there is alot of stage performances and dances, and maybe some nite-time activity like walking around and taking in the new surroundings.

The E2 would be my EDC while i'm there, probably on stage too. But for smaller chores, and hotel usage, i'll use my Princeton Tec Attitude. I think the combination i have now for travelling is pretty good, though, i could use a brighter LED torch. My LSI Spotlight is getting a lot LESS usage lately becuase it's just too big. That's why my sights are on the new UKE LC100. anyway...i don't know why i'm telling you all this. hehe

So how many batteries should i bring?
personally I would carry the Surefire SC, it holds 6 spare batteries and a spare lamp in the middle. When I went to Orlando for LDI (big theatrical lighting convention) that is what I took, I never had to switch the batteries though.
The SCI is a good idea, but Santa Barbara has generally well lighted streets (I grew up there, and still visit). Your E2 will last 75 min. constantly on, so you probably will not even use one set of batteries, but better to have some cheap spares just in case.

Regarding theatrical use, generally less bright lights, such as Photons are used, but if you have used the E2 and are happy with it, by all means use it.
