Flashlight for long brownout

Batang Regla

Newly Enlightened
Oct 4, 2010
Hi candle power

What flashlight do you advice for long electricity interruption? In my country its normal to have this because of typhoon.

  1. The qualities should be water proof because of flood water rising to 12 feet.(super typhoon) I will not use it under flood water but incase the flashlight goes to water and i pick it right away its not fried.
  2. Continuos on mode for 7days/1week, months or more
I read here the safelight brand can be power on for 1 year. Any other recommendation?

Off-topic: Do you call a person who collects flashlight = Flashers?
Hi candle power

What flashlight do you advice for long electricity interruption? In my country its normal to have this because of typhoon.

  1. The qualities should be water proof because of flood water rising to 12 feet.(super typhoon) I will not use it under flood water but incase the flashlight goes to water and i pick it right away its not fried.
  2. Continuos on mode for 7days/1week, months or more
I read here the safelight brand can be power on for 1 year. Any other recommendation?

Off-topic: Do you call a person who collects flashlight = Flashers?

4Sevens Quark AA^2, without a doubt. Testing is currently happening right now, and we are currently at 917 hours (over 38 days) of runtime on lithium AA batteries. We expect it will go over 1000 hours. The same goes for normal alkaline batteries. They are good quality, and will last a long time. They are waterproof. They are pretty cheap (Just over $52 for a neutral white, with free shipping around the world) too. They take many kinds of batteries-if you want, you can buy a battery tube for 1 AA batteries, 2 AA batteries, a CR123 battery, an 18650 battery, and many more.

Also, someone who collects flashlights is a "flashaholic". :p
I would look at a Dive torch /Solarforc​eR2 200lumen Mini Halcyon Scout these are found on ebay cheap under $40.00 or the NOVAE Photic 1200 Dive SST-50 LED ......

and yes they are Typhoon proof ......... :grin2:

--- Check at 4sevens, They have three kinds of quark aa2. Regular, Turbo and Tactical. All of these can run up to months using rechargeable eneloops?


----Will check that.

Thanks to both of you. :D
If you ever visit the UK never call a light collector a flasher as you will be eating hospital food for a few days.:D
Both the Turbo (Longer throw) Tactical and Regular will last for a month, they will both run continus for 30+days.

I wouldn't call a guy that collects flashlights a ''Flasher'' especially in English speaking countries.. :crackup:Flashaholic :twothumbs
Be aware that the run times people are talking about on the Quark AA is on the lowest setting.

Most lights running on the highest setting will only last for hours not days.
i have an old 2xD gag-lite modded with an old PR SMJLED that's rated for 700 hours.

on the other hand, if you don't have it on you when the sh*t hits the fan, you might just as well have not purchased it.

thus, consider carrying at least one 1xAAA on you with a runtime of 2-4 days.

here's a runtime list i paraphrased and borrowed from BOL's wonderful thread found here:

1xAAA runtime (low mode) test results
(using a Quark AA on moon mode as the baseline of when to end the test for a light once it drops equal to that level of light)

Maratac Stainless 4-9 hours @ 1.09v

Arc AAA [not tested, estimated 5-7 hours]

Inova Radient 2xAAA 6 hours @ 1.22v & 1.19v (light dim)

Gerber Infinity Ultra (Silver) using AAA < 10 hours @ 1.14v (light dim)

Gerber Infinity Ultra (Black) using AAA < 10 hours @ 1.15v (light dim)

CMG Infinity (amber LED) using AAA 10-16 hours @ 1.09v

Maratac (aluminum) < 8 hours @ 1.12v

Fenix E01 < 11 hours @ .89v

4Sevens Preon < 11 hours @ .91v

Titanium Innovations IlluminaTi XP-G < 11 hours @ .91v (strobing slow)

iTP H-01 < 11 hours @ .87v

Peak Matterhorn 3-LED SP 11+ hours @ .99v (light dim)

LumaPower Connexion 14-19 hours @ 1.13v

Peak Eiger #3 15+ hours @ 1.14v (light dim)

Peak Matterhorn 3-LED HP 15+ hours @ 1.16v (light dim)

Peak Matterhorn 1-LED HP 16+ hours @ 1.16v (light dim)

Maratac (copper) 17-20 hours @ .86v

4Sevens Preon II 17-20 hours @ .86v & .60v

Zebralight H50 20.5 hours @ 1.10v

Peak Eiger #0 24+ hours @ .97v (light dim)

Peak Eiger #Subzero 24+ hours @ 1.19v (light dim)

iTP A3 24+ hours @ 1.10v (light dim)

Peak Matterhorn 1-LED SP 37+ hours @ 1.07v (light dim)

Peak Eiger #0 37+ hours @ 1.10v (light dim)

Peak Eiger #Subzero 37+ hours @ 1.11v (light dim)

Liteflux LF2XT 42+ hours @ .93v

CMG Infinity (black) using AAA 43 hours @ .86v (light dim)

Preon ReVO 43.5 hours @ .89v (ReVO is WINNER when using an alkaline)

- additional info when using Lithiums:

Mako [stated as 60 hours with alkalines, but recently tested with a Lithium for 64 hours]

Preon ReVo ~82 hours continuous to off @ .90v (ReVO runtime when using Energizer Ultimate Lithium)

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during long outages dim does have its uses to conserve battery power but is not the holy grail. One needs to decide what type and amount of lighting is necessary for their environment. Sometimes it takes a combination of specific lights to maximize things. Lanterns for area lighting to accomplish tasks, headlamps for spot hands free lighting for working, hand held lights for searching and inspecting and dim lights for navigating and battery conserving. Once you have an idea of what audience will use the lighting you have and how much you need then you can tailor your lights to match. If worse comes to worse you can put lights in sealed ziplock bags to waterproof them if you cannot find waterproof versions for your needs.

--- Check at 4sevens, They have three kinds of quark aa2. Regular, Turbo and Tactical. All of these can run up to months using rechargeable eneloops?

Yes. And keep in mind this is on moon mode, as said by

Be aware that the run times people are talking about on the Quark AA is on the lowest setting.

Most lights running on the highest setting will only last for hours not days.

However, moon mode is more than enough to read, cook, or walk around.

Also, according to webster, a "flasher" is
a person, esp. a man, who exposes his genitals in public.
The 3 kinds of quark aa2 have the same lumens. What are the difference for each light? (The turbo is a throw according to Mathiashogevold) How about the regular and tactical what are their qualities?

Thanks for the correction. Now i know that never to call a flashlight collector a flasher. lovecpf
The tactical only uses two modes at once. That is, there is only one mode when the head is tight and one mode when the head is loose. You can re-program these modes, but it takes a few seconds. Some consider it more convenient than the regular quark because you have very quick access to the modes you want. Also, the rear button is different because it protrudes more (easier to push) and is a forward clicky. That means that if you only push a little bit, the light will come on without the switch latching.

The regular quark has access to multiple modes in the tight and loose configurations, and is mode-switched by turning the light on and off quickly. The switch is also a reverse clicky, which means that the switch has to be fully engaged for the light to turn on. 4Sevens has some videos of both modes on their website I think.
Thanks again wyager. I back read and found out quark is so popular here at cpf because of moon mode. I will just choose which of the three model aa2 to buy.

coyote thanks for the suggestion. I just ordered the EO1.
Thanks again wyager. I back read and found out quark is so popular here at cpf because of moon mode. I will just choose which of the three model aa2 to buy.

Also remember you can order the non-turbo versions in neutral white as well. I would recommend neutral white, but tactical or regular and which version is up to you. :) good luck!
The QuarkAA2 regular Has moonlight mode.
Is definitely the way to go.
The Quark AA will run for close to 30 days in moonlite mode. Its my bedside light :)
From people on these forums I gathered this information for 4Sevens flashlights (on 4Sevens forum stickied)

4Sevens Flashlight Run Time Testimonials - real world testing!

Take a look since you may use certain types of batteries and can have a better idea of what might be best for you.

HDS lights are also known to have long run times. Be aware if there is ambient light around you, that moonlight mode...doesn't seem like much at all, some love it, some like a couple lumens (if you read what many people do with their quark tacticals, you find many use low and not moonlight) as you do need dark adapted eyes to use the moonlight well imho.

Pitch black room it works great...though for my use I like the low.