Flashlight memories?
One was of a 6 volt sealed beam lantern I got for Christmas when I was about nine or ten. It used one of those large rectangular 6v fencer batteries, screwed onto a flat metal frame holding the 6" sealed beam in front, a blinking red tail light, and a nice fat ribbed handle bridging the two.
Of all the flashlights I owned during the first thirty years of my life, that was my favorite.
I made it into a "compact" model after discovering Polaroid "Polapulse" batteries in the expended packs of instant film were, for the most part, still good.
Sure it didn't burn that long, but it was lightweight and people couldn't figure out how the thing ran without its big rectangular battery.
Another is of making my own flashlight out of two 6v lantern batteries and an automobile headlight that I found in the garage. I used to shine that thing up in the woods and spook anybody who happened to have been in the wrong place in the wrong time.
Then I came up with a 12v strobe light like the type used on city maintenance vehicles.
Made a cool "charge/discharge" sound, clearly audible from across a big room.
I used it to charge a big bank of photoflash caps and used the array to blow doorknobs right off the door.
(Well, maybe that doesn't really qualify as a FLASHLIGHT memory, but it started out as one).
Oh, and I had this neat bicycle light too.
It had a bullet-shaped headlight, and a hexagonal taillight with two red arrows.
A seperate battery pack held 2 "C" cells.
The arrows blinked using a transistor circuit. I think the poor thing rusted out after spending too many years on my spider bike.