Flashlights and Knives


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 10, 2004
outside of Austin, TX
I know this is a subject that has been pondered many times, but forgive me if I forgo a search for all the past commentary. It's Friday night, it's been a long, tough week, I'm tired, and...OK....I've enjoyed a nice glass of wine....

What is it about knives and flashlights? So many of us who have a weakness for one, have an affinity for the other. I know, in my case, I stumbled onto the knife forums first, poked around there and liked what I saw. And then, without even realizing it, I was linked to CPF. The rest, as my wife would undoubtedly say, is history.

So what is the essential connection between these two tools/toys/ pastimes/obsessions?

I will admit up front that I am one of the objects of scrutiny here---I love and admire both. Although I am primarily a flashlight man, I periodically feel the strong tug of the wonderful world of sharp things, most recently SS Spydies and then alox SAKs.

That said, there is a fundamental difference in the two objects of discussion that I find most interesting. Knives, as opposed to flashlights, seem to me to be almost timeless. Yes, I know, knives can and do evolve, and better and better steels can appear on the scene. But, if it takes a fine edge and cuts like the devil, and is an object of beauty to hold and behold, a great knife will be great many years from now.

Flashlights, as any CPFer worth his salt knows, are changing and improving at a rapid pace---a "cutting edge" (sorry, couldn't resist) Luxeon III masterpiece from a couple of years ago can hardly attract a buyer on B/S/T.

So, for someone like me, who enjoys buying, enjoying, and then selling (to finance the hobby, you see), these two connected but different tools, the modus operandi is very different: You can use that beautiful flashlight as much as you like for a few weeks or months, and (as long as you are careful) it will be none the worse for wear. But, you had better put it back on the market before long, lest the newest LED variation make it obsolete.

With that beautiful knife, on the other hand, its good looks, razor edge, and sought after name, will likely preserve its value for a good while. But, if you actually use it in the interim, it will surely show the scars.

So, you can (gently) use a flashlight almost to your heart's content, but time is your enemy. As for a beautiful blade, time will treat you with kindness, but just don't use it!

Random thoughts here, from a lover of both these boy toys extraordinaire. I would appreciate any insights from fellow travelers......
I think we like gadgets, often of high quality, and being prepared. :) While I don't have the money, those that do also seem to enjoy fine watches, fountain pens, photography equipment, etc.

If I had a lot of extra money to burn I'm sure I'd buy some nice watches, try out some high quality fountain pens, buy some high end photo gear, etc. :)
I have long believed that there are many common interests that we flashlight type seem to share. It may be watches, knives, lights, pens, or even gadgets in general however we all seem to have many addictions to "neat" stuff.

Maybe it is some type of primitive survival instinct that facinates many of us by watching light come from an object or even from using a nice blade. I believe that maybe it is simply fun that drives us in our hobbies and also puts the passion in us for these things. I can never imagine being excited about a stamp collection however I know many who are....much like they laugh at me for checking the flashlight isle of every place I go.
Ahh....two of my weaknesses. I was into knives at a very early age but didn't get into nice flashlights until a few years ago (mostly because a mag was the best around for years and they weren't too pocketable. I did have the AA and solitaire mags but they weren't really satisfying to me. Like Robocop said, it's that primitive survival instinct and the "be prepared" itch that seems to be scratched by these two items.

I may forget my watch or wedding ring, but I always seem to have two knives and at least the same or greater number of flashlights on me.
My supervisor teased me in front of my coworkers, "Hey Lightraven, got a knife? <Chuckle, chuckle>"

I said, "I'm into FLASHLIGHTS now, get with the times!"

Now, everybody thinks of me as the flashlight guy, but in Army ROTC, I was all about knives. I'm a lot less interested in knives now, but flashlights are getting more interesting--and it's a trend, not just me.

However, I don't carry a flashlight during the day, unless I'm in a theater.
knives and fire are my 2 core items, with flashlight as the 3rd. not totally necessary, but a great luxury item.
Yep, I definitely have a compulsive piece of brain that likes flashlights and knives.
(Un)fortunately I don't stop at just lights and knives. I'd add in shelter, clothing & water to a list of immediate survival concerns.
The most basic of tools in high quality has great appeal and when they can be carried with / on you it's draw is strong. A while back I think it was Forbes put out a list of the 20 most important tools of all time. Number one on the list was the knife. Both knives and lights have a huge amount of uses and I doubt a day goes by that I don't use both of these a lot. Knowing this it seems good to have quality units of both and half the fun is in choosing the best you can afford.
Although I'm new to this forum, I've always had a fondness for knives and flashlights since I was a kid. I was recently introduced to this site from a friend over at Bladeforums. I started spending some time over here to help overcome my addiction with Busse knives. Little did I realize that I was trading one addiction for another. In the short time since I've been a member here I've purchased several Cree and Rebel lights (with more on the way). Comparing this to my other addictions ie.. knives, guns. and watches, I have to say this one seems very progressed :) . But as to AFAUSTIN's original questions, I can no more explain my addiction to lights and sharps anymore than I can my fondness for top heavy women. :twothumbs. I just go with it.
It is hard to explain, especially to non flashaholics. My wife seems to understand it. In my house it is guns, knives and flashlights. As time has passed it is becoming more flashlights, than guns and knives, and I don't know why, and intellectualizing it doesn't seem to help.

My supervisor teased me in front of my coworkers, "Hey Lightraven, got a knife? <Chuckle, chuckle>"

I replied: " Not since i found my Snubnose .38 "

Well, we both pack .40 calibers on and off duty so the commentary was mostly along the lines of "bringing a knife to a gunfight."

Now that I've attended my agency sanctioned "Duty Knife Instructor" training course (4 days under an affiliate of Benchmade knives), I can at least claim something closer to an instructor on knife fighting, as if there is such a thing, than a Rambo wannabe.