Flashlights at Brookstone Stores


Aug 24, 2001
Brookstone has the aluminum flashlight with the six leds and the halogen lamp. (Reviewed elsewhere on CPF)

It looks well made. I compared the leds with the Surefire KL-1 on a E1 I happend to have in my pocket. The six leds were about half as bright as the KL-1.

The halogen was slightly yellow which lead me to believe the light was not regulated.

The light is roughly the size of a Surefire M3.

Everything at Brookstone is heavely used by shoppers this time of year. The batteries in the unit were well depleated.

Nice light.

Brookstone price: $50.00

Brookstone also had a light called the "Watchdog"

About the size of a five cell Maglight. All aluminum construction with a two and one half inch reflector.

Batteries were low, so beam was yellow. Looked like Maglight quality.

Three switches. One=light. Two=Loud barking dog. Three= siren.

Nice and heavy. Best feature, makes a good club.

Fifth feature: Bite= $50.00
Nice review, Tom.

When I got my LX, the light was yellow. This was due to 1 weak 123.

I have a few things from Brookstone. Got them when I lived down in Columbus, OH.

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