Focusable led flashlight

Yes. LEDcorp has one called "Our Best Aluminum Flashlight, go here to find it.... . It uses the same specially modified LED as the Turtlelite 1, runs off 4 AA cells. I havn`t tried one myself yet (was going to be sent some LEDcorp stuff but it seems to have fallen through
) but I`ll get one before long when I can afford to.

A couple weeks ago, someone mentioned a flashlight review they found at

The LEDCorp Aluminum flashlight is reviewed in that article. Click
here to go to the review. It's a good read.
Garity also makes one - aluminum... I forget the price, but it is cheap.
Craig (Telephony to the uninitiated), I've gotten to the point where I assume everyone looks to your site for reviews and often forget that newbies may still need to be pointed your way. Shame on me for taking the LED Museum for granted.

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