For downhill mountain biking


Newly Enlightened
Jan 25, 2013
Hi could you recommend me a good touch for fast pace downhill mountain biking to mount either the helmet or bars with a budget of around £200 thanks
Psychbeat, if you see this...

(Leebunn, if you don't get any responses you might PM him. He's what I'd consider our mtn biking expert! :) )
I've had good luck with Zebralight, which I run mostly because it is unmatched for weight efficiency. For DH, the main selling points will be potted electronics (hopefully improves tolerance to shock and vibe), and ability to safely use unprotected cells (cell protection sometimes blinks off under shock loading). I prefer warmer light, higher CRI if I can get it--though it might be all in my head, I think it allows me to see trail textures better. I also prefer running a helmet/bar combo, which helps illuminate shadows and show me both where I'm going and were I'm looking. I go flood on my bar (aimed to illuminate the ground for about 15'), and spot/flood on my helmet (aimed to illuminate the ground from 10' and beyond). For DH, I'd consider running two floods on the bar.

My setup:
- bar: SC600Fd Mk III Plus XHP50 Floody, CRI 93-95, 5000K

- lightest helmet (I use most, besides carrying every day):
SC63w "warm", 80+ CRI, 4500K

- slightly heavier helmet (better heat
dissipation, slightly better beam):
SC600w Mk III, CRI 80+, 4500K

For mounting, cheap Amazon stuff has worked well for me--the lightweight ZL's are not difficult to attach and aim.

Best of luck!
I've had good luck with Zebralight, which I run mostly because it is unmatched for weight efficiency. For DH, the main selling points will be potted electronics (hopefully improves tolerance to shock and vibe), and ability to safely use unprotected cells (cell protection sometimes blinks off under shock loading). I prefer warmer light, higher CRI if I can get it--though it might be all in my head, I think it allows me to see trail textures better. I also prefer running a helmet/bar combo, which helps illuminate shadows and show me both where I'm going and were I'm looking. I go flood on my bar (aimed to illuminate the ground for about 15'), and spot/flood on my helmet (aimed to illuminate the ground from 10' and beyond). For DH, I'd consider running two floods on the bar.

My setup:
- bar: SC600Fd Mk III Plus XHP50 Floody, CRI 93-95, 5000K

- lightest helmet (I use most, besides carrying every day):
SC63w "warm", 80+ CRI, 4500K

- slightly heavier helmet (better heat
dissipation, slightly better beam):
SC600w Mk III, CRI 80+, 4500K

For mounting, cheap Amazon stuff has worked well for me--the lightweight ZL's are not difficult to attach and aim.

Best of luck!

Awesome thanks for the detailed response, useful info to consider.
My setup:
- bar: SC600Fd Mk III Plus XHP50 Floody, CRI 93-95, 5000K

Could I trouble you for some details on that mount?

Both curious on how it's performed (never let go of the light I hope?), and also name and where one might find it?
Since the Zebralight is so lightweight, pretty much any mount will be plenty sturdy. This one is Amazon USA, $7, and works well, item B0168H0EPY. No excessive shaking on downhill, easy to aim, easy to swap lights.
I am also interested in upgrading my current bike setup, would you recommend to wait for the supposedly due SC64 models?
I'm conflicted on whether I'll get the SC64c as an upgrade to my SC63w. The higher CRI is very tempting, and will probably make me pull the trigger. I'm not sure it will be appreciably more of runtime might get me off the fence. The lumens in the highest mode isn't attractive--rather, I need to know the most light I can use and still get over an hour runtime in 0 degree moving air. The SC64 series might be a nice step up, but only time will tell...

If I didn't already have an SC63, I would probably wait for the SC64 to come out. But, that's my personality type, I tend to get antsy if I don't have the highest performance gadget. The logical part of my brain knows that the SC63 or even an sc62 probably represent some of the best values anyone could buy right now.
Fenix seems really nice, but IMHO fells off because of their "bike only" focus. Whereas Zebras, or other multipurpose flashlights are... multipurposed.

Considering the difference in weight from my old setup and a Zebra based setup, I'm thinking of adding more lights than before.
I'm wondering if it would be better to have a 2 floody (like Fds) on bar + 1 throwy (like an HI) on helmet combination, OR 1 floody (like Fd) on bar & 2 throwy (like HIs) on helmet combination. Do anyone here have experience with those two variation setups?
My sc600Fd is on my bar almost permanently, with an SC63w on my lid. For cross country MTB, that has been plenty for me (both on H2); but, if I were to add a third light, I'd personally go with my second Fd on my bar. I haven't tried it yet.