forget cookies, flash is tracking you


Dec 20, 2003
forget cookies, flash is tracking you with PIE. Persistent Identification Element (PIE) is a technology that uses Macromedia's Flash MX to track you even without using cookies instructions on how to disable
If the technology is made and used by macromedia, then why would they provide instructions on disabling it?
I think Macromedia envisions Flash as just a better(?) way to create content, kind of an advanced HTML with graphics and animation abilities. Its evolution into a usually annoying advertising medium has disappointed Macromedia, I think. Likewise, using PIE to track users is likely perceived by them as an unintended application.

I use Firefox and usually run with Flash disabled using an extension. I turn it on about twice a week, and only when I really have to. Flash ads have ruined Flash for me. YMMV.
i dont even have a flash app on any of my boxen.
all it seems to be used for is annoying animated adds.
any website that insists on requiring flash to work just ensures i wont be buying anything from them.
Just try uninstalling flash???

you've got go to the macromedia's site to download the uninstaller.

note the 100k of storage used by third parties you cannot control.

don't like it when I don't have control of my desktop. I run proximatrom, but nothing seems to stop flash, except uninstalling.

I uninstalled flash and good ridance!!
here is a weird thing to do when you see a flash going
right click it,get in the options,
see the Web cam and Audio stuff?
how many people know that flash has the capacity to go in the OTHER direction?

i am not in any way suggesting in the above, that they are spying on you. just that it has the capablity to be a web phone thing too.
I don't think flash is operational on my computer. Apparently it's not needed.

I downloaded and ran "noflash" a few months ago after reading about it in this forum. I can't find any sign of it on my computer now. I guess I deleted it.
I've never really liked Flash....

Unfortunately, many 'web developers' use it as a crutch for their lack of HTML skills, creating entire websites in Flash. Some of those who don't, create critical elements such as navigational menus in Flash, effectively disabling the site for non-Flash users.

Where I am, if I accessed someone else's computer without their consent, to store data on it, I am sure the authorities would not look upon it kindly.. food for thought, eh.
Here's a flash for macromedia.

Thanks, but no thanks. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsdown.gif

Thanks for letting us know CY. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hmm. un-installing flash on my pc means deleting the plugin file from FireFox. I guess it's installed other ways if you down load it stand alone???