Foxfury command 10 fire headlamp from LIOTEC?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 27, 2006
Dark! Dank! Murky! England.
Hi guys anyone have this headlamp? the reason I ask I just won one in JohnB's/LIOTEC give-away :D I don't have it yet as I only found out yesterday.

Looking at the specs on two sites I find two different max lumen's out 22+and 40+ I'm assuming 40+lumen's is correct tho :thinking:

On paper the specs look pretty good and I cant wait to try this headlamp out,what are your thoughts on it guys good or bad :twothumbs.

Oh and I'll take this opportunity to thank JohnB from LIOTEC,thank you very much John :twothumbs :twothumbs
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Bought the Command 20 Tactical when it first became available. Burned a couple of sets of cells through it and now it's in rarely used. For what it is, i have no complaints. Can't tell you more as my memory of the experience is rather dim. This isn't a reflection on the impression that the light made upon me. Rather, it is a reflection on my aged memory.

I did like it better than the FoxFury Performance Outdoor model that it replaced even though it's brightness, throw, and field of vision specs are the about the same or a tad less than the Performance Outdoor model. However, in terms of size, weight (2oz less), and batt. life the Command 20 was superior, and, hence, my preference for it.

I don't use it much because for the way i used it, a smaller, lighter 3xAAA Petzl Zipka-Plus suffices and is easier to carry in my cargo pants or safari vest.
There are 2 versions of this light. This is the original version of the Command 10 AT 22 Lumens. They are very well built as all FoxFury headlamps are.

Enjoy it!


Hi guys anyone have this headlamp? the reason I ask I just won one in JohnB's/LIOTEC give-away :D I don't have it yet as I only found out yesterday.

Looking at the specs on two sites I find two different max lumen's out 22+and 40+ I'm assuming 40+lumen's is correct tho :thinking:

On paper the specs look pretty good and I cant wait to try this headlamp out,what are your thoughts on it guys good or bad :twothumbs.

Oh and I'll take this opportunity to thank JohnB from LIOTEC,thank you very much John :twothumbs :twothumbs