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Sold/Expired FS: Custom Build Parts (McLux, Luxeons, Optics, etc. - big list)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 9, 2003
SW Orlando
This is a preliminary list of parts I'm selling for custom builds, mods, and repairs. I have a couple different places I have these put away, so this list may expand over the next few days if I find more stuff. It's been a while, so I may have some stuff listed that I don't remember exactly what it is. These are mostly optics of some sort, and you will have to rely on photos when I get a chance to take them. All items are new unless otherwise noted, some items have photos, I may add some for ones that may need them (like the PR heads):

Heads for builds:
1) McLux PR Natural HAIII - $65 (SOLD)
2) McLux PR-T Natural HAIII - $65 (SOLD)
3) McLux (original style, Black HAIII, partial BB) - $65
(Head is complete, just didn't have all parts at time of photo - I had started to build this head, and removed the can. There is a little bit of AA in the converter end where the e-sink was to be sealed in)

McLux Head, HAIII Black, Partial Bead-Blast:

4) BB1k Rev4 - $16
5) VIP 1k - $28
6) Wizard 600 - $22 (SOLD)

Luxeons: (Star unless otherwise noted)
7) R3K Side emitter x2 - $4 each
8) Q3J x2 - $6 each
9) SWAK - $12
10) TWOJ x2 - $14 each
11) Withdrawn from this thread

Heat Sinks:
12) D-Cell O-Sink (Otokoyama) - $10 (SOLD)
13) Hotlips C Heatsink - $10 (SOLD)
14) SF TurboHead LED Sink (ArcMania) - $43

Optics (items are optics unless noted as [R], which are reflectors):
15) Carclo 6° - $5
16) IMS 20mm x2 [R] - $3 each (SOLD)
17) IMS 27mm [R] - $4 (SOLD)
18) McLux PR (similar to McR-27) [R] - $18 (SOLD)
19) McLux PR Beadblasted [R] - $22 (SOLD)
20) S017XA [R] - $3 (SOLD)
21) NX05 x3 - $4 each
22) McFlood [R] (Polished) - $16 (SOLD)
23) Fraen LP - $3
24) Misc Fraen Optics - $6

Fraen Optics (I don't remember what they all are, but all have different beam patterns):

All item prices are shipped to US addresses, will ship worldwide if buyer agrees to pay postal and/or payment overages - most int'l shipping has no premium. I can take PayPal (non-CC/Debit preferred), check, MO, and cash.

I may work with you on price if you are buying multiple items. No trades, please.

Posts of accepted offer here take precedence. PM with questions.

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Re: FS: Custom Build Parts (McLu, Luxeons, Optics, etc. - big list)

Interested in the PR-t head.
Can I see a pic?
If its the head I think it is....I'll take it!
Re: FS: Custom Build Parts (McLu, Luxeons, Optics, etc. - big list)

For #22 do you mean the McFlood reflector that fits the head you have pictured? If so, I will take it.

Re: FS: Custom Build Parts (McLu, Luxeons, Optics, etc. - big list)

I'll take:
1) McLux PR Natural HAIII - $65 :party:
6) Wizard 600 - $22 (You must mean 650, right ?)
16) IMS 20mm x2 - $3 each (both)

You say PR-head is complete, are the Lens and Reflector included ?
If not, I'll take 18) McLux PR (similar to McR-27) - $18
How is it different from "19) McLux PR Beadblasted - $22" ?
Is the last one stippled ?

I have cash-funded Paypal. Shipping would be to Rotterdam, EU.
Please PM with PP-details or george(at)bombelman.com

Edit: IIRC, this is what the PR HAIII Nat looks like, right ? :grin2:

(borrowed pic)

Also, this is what the PR-T head looks like.
Hope it helps in sales.
Free :bumpit: for great items from great seller !! :twothumbs
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kenster said:
For #22 do you mean the McFlood reflector that fits the head you have pictured? If so, I will take it.



Ya, I just noticed I didn't specify what was optics and what was reflectors. PM me for payment info. Please include your preferred method. If that method is PayPal, please let me know if it's from a credit/debit card, as I would rather avoid the fees as much as possible.

Thank you!
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bombelman said:
EDITED because IE keeps blowing up...

That's what they look like...

The PR head (as well as PR-T head) include the base, bezel, lens, bezel o-ring, and reflector (McLux PR), so it would not require 18 or 19.

The Wizard is actually a custom 600 that Wayne did for me. I was going to use it in the PR-T, but never got around to it. :(

To answer your question about #19, it is the same as 18, but has been lightly bead-blasted to give it a beam with no discernable hotspot. It's all about making a perfect flood. There are some old (really old) posts from McGizmo when he was all about the flood beam and they show a great example.

Thanks, and I'll e-mail you my payment ID for PayPal balance funded payments.

Pay-Pal Sent!! For PR-T Head!!!
Thanks! I included some extra cash for Priority and insurance.
Thanks again for answering all my questions!
I'll take it:
12) D-Cell O-Sink (Otokoyama) - $10
13) Hotlips C Heatsink - $10
17) IMS 27mm [R] - $4
20) S017XA [R] - $3

Please PM me your PP info
Info PM'd earlier today, items marked as SPF. All items marked SOLD have shipped. Check your PP e-mail for shipment notifications.

# 18 and # 19

Question for # 14 - Is this made by ARC mania or AW? Does it come with all the springs and things?

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I think it's ArcMania. It's a kit that has the tall mount/sink for the TH, a Delrin/Nylon plug, and a small spring. It does not have the larger spring.
e-mail replied, :paypal:

>> Does anyone have interest in other colors of LuxIII emitters ?
Yes, Cyan and Amber if you have ? I will need Bin-Codes if you have...

rcnuk said:
I'll take it:
12) D-Cell O-Sink (Otokoyama) - $10
13) Hotlips C Heatsink - $10
17) IMS 27mm [R] - $4
20) S017XA [R] - $3

Please PM me your PP info
rcnuk, bombelman, starfiretoo, payments rec'd and will ship tomorrow.

-working on a list of the LuxIII colors. I actually have a couple that I don't know what color they are.