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Sold/Expired FT: Orange peel maglite D reflector for switch *traded*


Sep 25, 2008
Troutman, NC
I have a spare home-made orange peel maglite D reflector (stock). I made an extra in case I screwed up, but they came out great (just a floating dust particle or two) So I dont need this one. I cut the cam off right up to the main part but didnt enlarge the hole at all.

I would like to trade it for a stock Maglite D switch *TRADED*

conus thanks



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Re: FT: Orange peel maglite D reflector for switch

Hey, I'll trade you for a stock D switch. PM Sent.
Re: FT: Orange peel maglite D reflector for switch

sounds good
pm sent

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Re: FT: Orange peel maglite D reflector for switch

SPC, your reflector looks very well done, what brand of aerosol did you use? Any tricks on how to do it?

Re: FT: Orange peel maglite D reflector for switch

thanks Alexgt,

krylon Crystal clear works good, dries fast too...

First, I clean off the reflector with a couple bursts of air from my shop compressor

Then, I lightly dust 1 coat of the clear on, dont make it look shiny just dust it from about a foot and a half away, wait a couple minutes then do the same (just dust it again)

After that, wait about 5 minutes and put another dust coat on but a little heavier and immediately hit it again with another heavier dusting.

Those last two coats will smooth it out leaving a nice orange peel...
right after I do the last coats, I rotate the reflector around in all directions (it prevents sagging)

The krylon I find is good because its thin. I tried automotive clear, but It comes out too thick or too smooth. The thicker it is, the more light you will lose and the smoother it is, you loose the peel all together...

Not really different from how everyone else does it...

Ive been painting cars for a while and I like clearing :grin2:

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Re: FT: Orange peel maglite D reflector for switch

WOW -that IS an excellent job- i'd swear that was an aluminum reflector!