The Max Vin is listed as 5.4v. What would happen if I supplied, say, 6v ?? Would it burn up?
The reason for my question: I've got a GD1000 in a 4D mag. NiMH's would be right on the hairy edge of the Max Vin, and I'm just wondering how afraid of Alkalines I should be with this arrangement. The voltage of the Alkalines is likely to sag quite a bit, right? Should I just stick to NiMH to be safe? (yes.)
The reason for my question: I've got a GD1000 in a 4D mag. NiMH's would be right on the hairy edge of the Max Vin, and I'm just wondering how afraid of Alkalines I should be with this arrangement. The voltage of the Alkalines is likely to sag quite a bit, right? Should I just stick to NiMH to be safe? (yes.)