Gear Keeper (Retractable Cable Thingie)


Newly Enlightened
Apr 10, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Sorry for the hi-tech terminology. I have found these in a local law enforcement [gear] store. There are three different "strengths" depending upon the weight of gear/keys that one intends to hang from them. But the lightest-duty one would be absolutely excellent for EDC retention! Sadly, it's almost thirty bux after taxes. Figures.

These units are grey plastic squares, with thin braided steel 36" cables. Belt clips on back, obviously.

Is there another source we know of gents?

Many thanks!
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Re: Gear Saver? (Retractable Cable Thingie)

Stores or web sites that sell equipment to firefighters as they also use that type of gear. Have even seen a few cheaper (less heavy duty) versions in the fishing departments of some sporting good stores.

Often called "gear keepers."
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Re: Gear Saver? (Retractable Cable Thingie)

I just realized that this probably should have gone into a different thread. Mods - my apologies. Please move it into the appropriate location.

Thanks for the tips! :)
Re: Gear Saver? (Retractable Cable Thingie)

I've been using a Gear Keeper for years to secure my badge for work. I got tired of getting replacements of those cheapy ones the company gives out.
Re: Gear Saver? (Retractable Cable Thingie)

Nice! So, does anyone have a hook-up for these things? I have no problem laying down $11 -> $16 for the peace of mind...but with tax this'll be almost thirty bucks locally!** :eek: I'm not that careless!!

** Admittedly this is mostly due to the inevitable price-doubling that usually takes place whenever something crosses the border. It's frustrating. And our sales tax is 13% now, which doesn't help either.
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They are very durable.

Ordering on-line, the costs start at about $20 and go up to about $30 depending on how strong the retracting force, how long the cord, and what sort of attachment style.

Try looking at truck stops, too. That's where I found the one I got years ago.