"Ghost Hunters" show


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2008
The other thread on ghost hunting piqued my interest, so I got the first Season 1 dvd through Netflix.

Couple of observations and questions...

1. I never much liked "reality" tv shows; remember the scientific principle that you can't even observe something without affecting it? That's what it feels like with these shows in general. As soon as you put a camera on people, they're going to start acting differently than they might otherwise. Then the show producers hype up and dramatize everything on top of that. Having said this, the show isn't bad after you run it through the "bs filter".

2. I can't believe how much of their personal time/money these guys spend on ghost hunting, to the detriment of their jobs and personal lives. And you thought flashlight collecting was bad! ;)
Although, now that these guys are on TV I don't buy the whole penniless plummer act anymore, since they're probably getting a good paycheck to be on the show (goes back to the hating the "reality" tv setups)

3. What are the EMF(?) devices that they use around the sites? I must have missed that explanation. They're the things that read out like 0.2, 0.4, then when they get a "hit" they read 2.0 or something.

4. Their infrared thermometers seem like a bad choice the way they're being used. The crew randomly wave them around the room taking readings, trying to find cold spots, but the meter is really reading the far wall, not the airspace of the room. They need a thermocouple probe that actually measures what's contacting it and responds very quickly to change in temp. You could hold it in the air and read the actual air temp at that spot (I fooled with a few of these in school labs).

5. I don't know what to think about the whole "voices on tape" thing. I'm curious if you get the same phenomenon on both magnetic tape recorders and solid state recorders.

6. They probably ought not to trust so much in their feelings/hunches/perceptions about whether or not they think a place is haunted. The mind can see or feel whatever it wants to based on the situation. That being said, I sure can't blame them for getting creepy feelings in some of those places. If I was down in the dark basement tunnels of some of those buildings, before it was over I'd probably be seeing Elvis swordfighting with Napoleon! :faint:

Anyway, I'm gonna order up the next dvd :)
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I don't know about that series, but I caught the first 5 minutes of the International Ghosthunters - the series where they go to foreign hauntings - but I couldn't last past 5 minutes. I just got madder and madder sat watching these...um... unconvincing actors? That's the kindest thing I can think of to say :grin2: Hysterical screaming bimbos running around in the gloom etc., just wayyy too phony baloney for me.