Global Warming is a CROCK

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jerry i h

Jul 26, 2007
Berkeley, CA
When I first moved here to the SF/Bay Area 2 decades ago, I could look forward to at least a half dozen major, 20+ mile weekend bicycle rides to enjoy the mild, warm weather. Plus, a 2 or 3 more weekend events during our traditional 'Indian Summer'.
The past 2 or 3 years, these major events have become less and less common because it has simply become too cold to the point where we did not want to do it.
This year, we have NOT gone a single one of these sort of these major bicycle rides, because the weather has been too cold, too foggy, too windy. Just today, our scheduled ride was canceled because it was cold and foggy all day, and too cold to the point where no one wanted to bicycle.
There are a lot of news stories about the global weather becoming warmer. I only wish this were true in my part of the world. This is late August, and I just finished enjoying cup of hot chocolate. I wish 'global warming' was true: I miss the summer bicycle rides to the beach.
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You can't base global trends on one small area of the country. I wish we had the problem of colder summers here in NYC. The summers here are much hotter than I remember them as a child. And the last few years whenever it rains, it's not a steady rain like it used to be, but often a torrential downpour of a few inches per hour. Whether or not there is global warming, there has definitely been climate change.
I'd have to agree with JTR here. Incrementally things aren't going to change that much temperature wise, but there will (and have been so far) strange fluctuations in temperature that seem off season.

People were complaining that the winters are cooler than before, and thus must mean global warming is bs. The situation effects both ends of the spectrum. Makes them more extreme.
...Whether or not there is global warming, there has definitely been climate change.

So, you are admitting that 'global WARMING' may not be as advertised :thinking:.

Have you seen the Time and Newsweek Covers from the Carter Administration showing the statue of liberty drowning in icebergs:candle:
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You can't base global trends on one small area of the country.

Okay, I'm on the other side of the continent and summer here has been unusually mild. In fact right now it's 69°, and will dip down to 50ish at night. All this in the middle of august when in the past AC is necessary to sleep.

This past winter broke the record for snowfall, had over ten feet of the white stuff!
So, you are admitting that 'global WARMING' may not be as advertised :thinking:.
Of course it may not be as advertised but it's clear something is happening. One theory is that a warmer trend may slow ocean currents due to more fresh water from melting ice near the poles. In turn this may trigger a new ice age. So both sides may actually be right.

Two things are certain. One, we're arrogant if we think we can predict long term changes, even with today's supercomputers. Two, we don't know if man's activities are changing the climate, only that it is changing. Some of the things being done in the name of global warming actually have other, positive benefits, so I see nothing wrong with doing them. Others of course are about nothing but control. As with any very complex issue, clear answers aren't easily forthcoming.
When I first moved here to the SF/Bay Area 2 decades ago, I could look forward to at least a half dozen major, 20+ mile weekend bicycle rides to enjoy the mild, warm weather. Plus, a 2 or 3 more weekend events during our traditional 'Indian Summer'.
The past 2 or 3 years, these major events have become less and less common because it has simply become too cold to the point where we did not want to do it.
This year, we have NOT gone a single one of these sort of these major bicycle rides, because the weather has been too cold, too foggy, too windy. Just today, our scheduled ride was canceled because it was cold and foggy all day, and too cold to the point where no one wanted to bicycle.
There are a lot of news stories about the global weather becoming warmer. I only wish this were true in my part of the world. This is late August, and I just finished enjoying cup of hot chocolate. I wish 'global warming' was true: I miss the summer bicycle rides to the beach.

Here...I`ll make up some BS to make the thread more fun...As the poles melt the cool water drifts down around coastlines of continants...causing them to have cooler summers if closer to the pole...further from the equater. Once the poles melt will have those nice HOT days.

The ice stored at the poles helps to balance the tempatures...once the poles melt to a point that meltoff can no longer cool the earth...we will have run away tempature increases...ending the world as we know it.

Governments that are aware of this prefer to keep it quite. Prevents panic and keeps poeple from running thier Ccard debt up...knowing they will not have to pay it back. It`s a secret conspericy.

Even if I had spelled all that right it would still be BS. Tempatures here in Florida hasn`t seemed to change over the years either...from what it was 50 years ago. The furthest I can remember. :popcorn:
The thing about the Bay area is that it is always the opposite of the rest of the inland state (and country) from my experience. Middle of winter when everyone's cold it usually seems warm and sunny - at least right at the coast or S.F. Middle of summer - usually cool and foggy. Never lived there but I flew the cliffs of Ft. Funston by Daly City (Hang Gliding) a bunch so the weather was always closely watched.
The global warming political discussions will have to be conducted in the Underground. Thread closed.
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