Good deal on Rayovac Hybrids at Target


Newly Enlightened
Apr 7, 2006
I went to Target tonite to see what they had(all Maglite on sale), strolled thru electronics and saw they had the package with 2 AA+2AAA Hybrid batteries w/charger for $10. But included in package was also a $5 rebate if you bought it plus a 4 pack of batteries. Not too bad a deal.
I'm using them in my Fenix L2T and they're working great. How much were the 4 AA/AAA packs?
Went to Target this morning in Fayetteville, AR. They had the 4-cell Hybrid charger with 2AA/2AAA for $9.99 just as dlrflyer described. However, they do not sell the Hybrid batteries separately, thus the $5 rebate on the package is worthless.

All the package says about the charger is that it will charge up to 2500mAh in about 8 hours. Don't know if it will charge single cells or what kind of termination it has. Two led indicators lead me to believe that it charges in pairs. I haven't opened it yet since I can't get the rebate and already own another charger that charges in pairs, the MaHa C204F. Does anyone have more information on this charger?

Sounds interesting. I wonder if they would take one of those $5 off coupons on this marked down charger/batts. I should have some of these coupons coming in next couple days.
The Target I stopped at had the package with a Rayovac Hybrid charger and 2xAA and 2xAAA Hybrid cells for $9.99, but there was no $5 coupon on the back of the package (unless it is hidden inside).

They also had packages of 4 Hybrid cells for $9.99
sajmmiller said:
Went to Target this morning in Fayetteville, AR. They had the 4-cell Hybrid charger with 2AA/2AAA for $9.99 just as dlrflyer described. However, they do not sell the Hybrid batteries separately, thus the $5 rebate on the package is worthless.

All the package says about the charger is that it will charge up to 2500mAh in about 8 hours. Don't know if it will charge single cells or what kind of termination it has. Two led indicators lead me to believe that it charges in pairs. I haven't opened it yet since I can't get the rebate and already own another charger that charges in pairs, the MaHa C204F. Does anyone have more information on this charger?


I puchased this same Hybrid charger/battery combo at Wal*Mart a couple months ago. According to the enclosed instructions, this is merely a timer-based charger that must have cells charged in pairs. I haven't tried it yet, as I have better, individual channel chargers...

BTW, the local Target here only has the Hybrid batt./charger combo - no cells available as of yet.
The $5 rebate coupon was stuck to the front of the package.

I was able to verify that the charger requires cells to be charged in pairs. The charge rate for AA's is 350 mAh, and does seem to be timer based. I'm returning it to Target tomorrow.

Thanks Lumenal.

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