Got a question about lasers and safety.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 18, 2006
Back in Santa Cruz
I was at a concert last night, and the bouncers were using laser pointers to identify the people they wanted to throw out. They were using both red and green lasers, and in some cases, were shining them directly into the persons face and eyes. I don't know much about lasers, but isn't this dangerous? I've always been tought that these things can cause serious eye damage. I'd like some solid facts before I write a letter to the venue asking them to stop. Thanks for your help.
Edit: I read the sticky on eye damage. Seriously hope none of those people were hurt in that way.
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Well it depends on the power of the pointers and how close they were to the person's eyes if there was eye damage. However, under NO circumstances should anyone shine a laser into someone's eyes.

If anyone was hurt, the company and the bouncers would have their tails sued off. If I saw it happening, I would do everything in my power to make sure it never happens again. Not only is there a risk of eye damage involved, it sets a very bad example for people that do not know the risks, and gives the feds another reason to ban lasers.
They were usually a good distance away, between ten and thirty feet. It didn't seem that worrying until I saw a girl get hit right in they eyes for about a second before she put her arms up. I'm going to include that in the letter. I'm not sure what type of pointers they were, but they looked like the cheap kind you can get at office supply stores.
Never point a laser of any power into another person's eyes. Those goons are liable along with their employers. Even the **** poor red "toys" come with warnings - "NOT A TOY". I agree.
Crap like this only gives our government more power to end our hobby.
Wow, thats so dumb. If I EVER got another laser shined in my eyes I would probably break the guys nose and leave.