Got a Surefire- It only took 3 years of membership


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 24, 2006
London, Ontario, Canada
On the three year anniversary of my joining CPF I finally got myself a Surefire. I bought an E1L from the Marketplace (thanks jayhackett03) and so far I like it. I have read a lot about this light and even handled one last year when I was vacationing in the States. I did not buy one at the time and regretted it when their prices went up. When I saw it for sale I finally pulled the trigger because I just wanted to have a Surefire in my modest collection. Overall it has a nice tint and I like the UI, the form factor and ergonomics. It also adds a bit of throw to my collection and because of the optics it is pretty cool how far it throws for 3/42 lumens. I do have an F04 beamshaper for flood. Overall I'm happy and I am afraid it will lead to more Surefires.:sigh:
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I purchased a Surfire 6R about 14 years ago. I now have about 45 lights and the 6R is still my only Surefire!
Overall I'm happy and I am afraid it will lead to more Surefires.:sigh:

The E1L has the same effect on me too. :)

Actually my first impression was identical to yours, "overall I'm happy", but since then it's grown on me a lot more. It kinda creeps up on you.
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An obvious next choice would be the 6P.

You then have the huge range of LED dropin options and rechargeables.

Also, don't discount running it as a stock incan, well worth it.
Depends on what you want/need:

if you want options with a good output with 2 cell formats, go 6P (you have a battery of options there with p60 style drop-ins, including malkoffs), Z2 could be a nice option, there are other models that are a bit more expensive that you could check out that use p60 drop-ins (like the C2 centurion), i havent tried yet the 2 last models i mentioned, but im interested on the ergonomics, i have a G2ZL on the way (which is a bit cheaper than those)

if you want to try a good interface, go L1/L2/A2

you can also try a McE2s with a 2 stage switch, on sale at the shoppe, that will effectively convert your E1L to a L1 user interface, however this works good with single stage heads, dont know how well it will do with a 2 stage head.

if you want something bigger than pocketable, then my advice is not useful, since i havent even tried a single of those models.

read up a bit on the SF website, they have models for a variety of needs, also check out the catalogs.

from the few SF lights that i have tried, the one i like the most for EDC and is more useful to me is the L1.
Thanks everyone. I tend to only buy and use single cell lights. I actually almost bought an L1 before the E1L but the deal fell through. I prefer the clickie to latch anyways. The A2 is another I have considered since joining as well. Surefire really understates their lumens at least on mine. I can't measure lumens but visually using ceiling bounce the E1L is easily in the same vicinity as some of my 100 lumen lights.
try a 2 stage McE2s switch with a McTC or aleph tailcap, they fit e-series lights, so you can have an L1 ui on your E1L (to try if you like it), though like i said, i dont know how well they work on a 2 stage head.
I just got an L1. Cosmetically this is the best SF I own. The head and tail are perfect color matches. The body is darker and dare I say slate colored? The LED is perfectly centered. The beam, both high and low are very white for an LED. The form factor is perfect. Having the regulation circuit in the body means the head is smaller and the overall light is not nose heavy like the E1L, E2L, E1B, etc, etc, etc. I like the optic. It biases the beam towards throw IMHO.

I got a 4" Maxexpedition holster from Lighthound and it is a perfect fit.
Just finished playing lego with my AMC mule. I would not keep the heads and bodies swapped because the aesthetics are so different but its cool to play. The anodizong on the head and body are different shades but it doesn't bother me at all. I still prefer the brighter spill and more diffuse hotpot of my reflectored lights but having the throw is definitely handy. I may keep an eye out for an E1B.
Congrats on your new E1L! I have one and it's one of my very favorite lights. And yes, one Surefire will lead to two, then three, get the picture.
Congrats on the E1L. I have three SureFires, but no E series yet. I just got a good deal on a G2L - my first flashlight purchase of the year. Enjoy you new SureFire!
Ahh dude just drink the Kool Aid already and buy more. I have been burning through my old surefires on Marketplace, of course that is only to buy more surefires!
After sneaking around here for quite some time, I finally decided that I need a Surefire, too. I currently have a Streamlight NF-2, and am bored with it's output so my next light will be....

Surefire 6P with a Malkoff Cree MC-E drop-in. Of course, I'll need one of you to get my 6P to accept one of AW's 18650's. I can't even imagine what 500+ lumens is going to look like, as compared to my NF-2! Sounds like it will take about $200 to get the 6P set up right.

This site is great!
Congrats for your Surefire, Oddjob!

I need to buy another SF for me too... excellent little lights! I love all the 1xCR123 SF lights!


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