got my first lithium light (scorpion)


Sep 3, 2001
actually it's not my first if you consider photons but they aren't incandescents. the rubber felt really good in my hand and there was no way of slipping. Plugged in the batteries and fired it up. Looked at the bulb and it was bright. wooowheee! then i did some comparisons on a white wall. The best thing i had there in my collection of junk is my 4c maglite with a halogen hpr50 bulb on it. and it's running on fresh alkalines. It was really no contest for the scorpion, it blew it away on total light output as well as beam quality, the hotspot was nice and even while i tried to get the maglite as best as possible to no avail. Took the scorpion to the bbq on the weekend and it basically lit up the whole table and i could basically scan the whole park in pitch blackness easily. it was around 60cdn for this light but i'm not regretting it.
I'd considered a surefire but it was not sold anywhere in canada and the price is way out of my range to justify it as a useful purchase.
Say, where did you pick it up? I saw one downtown and it was $80.
i picked it up at lebaron up around hwy 7 and woodbine for 60 bucks. after taxes i think it came to around 69 bucks. and they have spare bulbs there for dirt cheap around 5.50 a piece. not bad compared to the price of surefire bulbs even though they last a bit longer i'll just stock up on extra bulbs. and the battery cost isn't much of a issue after i read buying up 223's on ebay instead and breaking them open. works to almost like less than a buck a piece. hey that's not bad at all compared to how much aa's cost on the shelves. hey and what store did you see it around downtown? they have a webpage? it's a really impressive light!
Theres a big camping store on Yonge near Wellesley. I can never remember the name of it. I actually went in looking to see if they carry Surefires. They didn't. Said they used to years ago, but dropped them because they were too hard to move. They just had lots of Mags and a few Streamlights.
The guy mentioned that he thought I should try a store called Nicholls (sp?) in Mississauga for SureFires. Haven't looked them up yet.
It's about 1.64ish, give or take .01. Really sux.
My first lithium light is about 15 years old now. It's a Tekna mono-lith. Runs on a single 123 battery and has poor beam and is not very bright. It's all plastic and waterproofed with an o-ring. Long battery life, small size and cold weather operation are all strong suits.
Thanks KeS. So the E2e comes out to about $80 USD. I almost s**t when I saw the $130 price at Proedgeknives. I guess that's a good price after one adds on all the outrageous taxes Canadians have to pay.
It's a good price if you factor in the reduction in customs we'd have to pay, taxes (pay only one tax when ordering online) and shipping fees as it's pretty cheap to send within Canada. I'm just waiting for the A2 to come out before getting another Surefire. Hope proedgeknives get them right away.
Hey, Azreal911...I went to the Nicholls site. There is actually one in Scarborough not to far from me. Thanks. I'm waiting on 4 lights in the mail so I'll probably go and check them out after I get some more money.
Hey no problem kos just helping out. but they don't carry the e2 or e1 on their online catalog. tell me how much the prices are for the toys when you visit.