actually it's not my first if you consider photons but they aren't incandescents. the rubber felt really good in my hand and there was no way of slipping. Plugged in the batteries and fired it up. Looked at the bulb and it was bright. wooowheee! then i did some comparisons on a white wall. The best thing i had there in my collection of junk is my 4c maglite with a halogen hpr50 bulb on it. and it's running on fresh alkalines. It was really no contest for the scorpion, it blew it away on total light output as well as beam quality, the hotspot was nice and even while i tried to get the maglite as best as possible to no avail. Took the scorpion to the bbq on the weekend and it basically lit up the whole table and i could basically scan the whole park in pitch blackness easily. it was around 60cdn for this light but i'm not regretting it.
I'd considered a surefire but it was not sold anywhere in canada and the price is way out of my range to justify it as a useful purchase.