GRAAAWK!! (Praise for the Pelican)


Newly Enlightened
Sep 11, 2000
Mauston, Wisconsin
Last week I recived a SuperPeliLite from BrightGuy, and I want to say how pleased with it I am. It has a better center bright spot than my E2. This ia a superb 2C light, and I am astonished that they can be sold for under $20.00. All praise to the Pelican!
The only thing that could be improved with it is a switch, rather than twist on/off, but that may be hard to do, and keep both it's Class One, Group I/II ratings for explosive atmospheres, and still be as resonably priced.
The Super Pelilite is great. It's incredibly bright considering its modest lumen output. I think this is an obvious winner in its class, much better than Streamlight and Surefire. I mean, where else can you find a similar sized 20$ flashlight which has:

15 Lumen - 10.000 CP - 6 hours burntime - loads of certifications

Pelican Super Sabrelite is also a great flashlight! 47 lumen, 6 hours burntime, 15.000 CP and many certifications. This 3C flashlight makes the Streamlight 3C and Maglite 3C look dim in comparison.

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