I know that more significant than the voltage you measure when you just take your li-ion battery off a charger is the voltage you will measure a while (say 10 minutes) later. I want to know what % capacity my battery is at by virtue of this measured voltage. Does anyone know of a chart, table, graph or other means of determining this?
I also wonder if my various li-ion batteries are equivalent with respect to this. I have a couple of minidv camcorder batteries, a cell phone (with exposed battery terminals) and an MP3 player that all have li-ion batteries and they appear to all have maximum charge levels of something like 4.20 volts. This makes me suppose that the same table will work for all of them. TIA.
I also wonder if my various li-ion batteries are equivalent with respect to this. I have a couple of minidv camcorder batteries, a cell phone (with exposed battery terminals) and an MP3 player that all have li-ion batteries and they appear to all have maximum charge levels of something like 4.20 volts. This makes me suppose that the same table will work for all of them. TIA.