Green laser pointer review from an astronomer...


Newly Enlightened
Sep 12, 2007
I came across a rather informative laser pointer review from an astronomer/teacher. Here's part of the article:

"Here is what this means. Let's assume the laser gives off photons only in 532nm light (energy per photon = hc/532nm = 3.7×10^-21 J). This means the laser gives of 4.3×10^19 photons per second (# photons/sec = 160mW/(energy per photon)/sec). If you stood in front of the laser, 1 km away from the laser, 1~/10,000 of the laser's light would enter the 7mm diameter opening in your eye, nailing your retina with ~0.002mW of energy."

Nicely put in layman's terms...for me anyway. :whistle: You can view it here if you want to read more about it:

Interesting read...just let "goober" slide... (you'll know what I mean when you read the article) :nana:
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