green laser???


Newly Enlightened
Jan 25, 2009
what is the smallest diameter of laser pointer. Also can it be diss assembled and re assembled into a smaller package
AFAIK the smallest ones measure 8mm in diameter and I'm pretty sure you can't go any smaller.
SO can it be disassembled and reassembled length wise to be a smaller package?
I honestly think that a green dpss is the worst choice for a gun, since the crystals tend to disalign especially if under the recoil shock, even worse if we're talking about a DIY unit, unless you think about building a shock isolating mount that would be much larger than the smallest laser you've been looking for...
I was looking at the Veridian laser for my Springfield XD45. It's really expensive add the universal version with flash light and add another hundred. I like the idea of being able to see it in the daylight. Hence the green laser. If any of you has an idea for a mod or a decent price for a green sight similar in size chime in please. If not I just might pull the trigger on the Veridian. I think it looks a bit clunky
Considering the already mentioned required shock isolation, I think it would be wise to buy the Viridian instead of building something unreliable, if you use your gun for self defense $299 is an acceptable price to pay.
blue-ray lasers, are they bright enough?
those don't have any need for frequency-doubling crystals or anything like that.
So what kind of shock mount would you use and what can you do to strenthen the internals of the green laser components? The sight manufacturers have already figured it out why can't we?

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