Has anyone swapped 5mm LED's in a peak?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 27, 2003
Has anyone swapped 5mm LED\'s in a peak?

I am planning on getting one or two peak lug body ultra power single AAA light's.I was wondering how hard it would be to put a 26k 5mm in one. Is it potted up tight like infinity ultra's and ARC's? or is it possible? VDG
Re: Has anyone swapped 5mm LED\'s in a peak?

One way is to burn the head up (so that the epoxy burns out) and Anodize finish gets destroyed... and so does the Driver Circuit.... What you are left with is a empty head. ... I know Its cruel.. but thats how i tried to remove the potting.... and had a good deal of success /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Next is .... Try "Thermal Cycling" ... Drop the head in Boiling water for about 10 - 15 minutes... then immidiately put it in ICE Cold Water... Or better still Liquid Nitrogen... ... It will be brittle enough that .. you can remove the potting...

These are the only two Destructive methods that i am aware of....

PM NewBie... for BEST, Non Destructive method of pottting remove.
Re: Has anyone swapped 5mm LED\'s in a peak?

You can get empty heads from Peak but you then have to insert your own circuitry.
Re: Has anyone swapped 5mm LED\'s in a peak?

Good timing, I just unpotted an Arc AAA. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The process wasn't too difficult - just tedious. After uncrimping, I used hot water to soften the epoxy and pushed the potted pill out of the head using a wooden dowel with a slightly concave end. With a little "pursuasion" it slid right out. The potting protected the LED and circuitry using this method. The turquoise LED I removed from the Arc still works.

Here comes the tedious part. Now that the pill was out, I tried a couple of methods to soften the epoxy (Hot water and a mini-torch). The hot water works and is probably the safest but the pill is so small it retains little heat so a constant "dipping" is needed to soften the epoxy. When using the mini-torch I had to be very careful as to not damage components.

Arc AAA 26K mod

Re: Has anyone swapped 5mm LED\'s in a peak?

I was under the (possibly mistaken?) impression that Peak had a "custom shop" that would install LEDs of your choice. If so, you might consider sending them one of your best, hand-picked 26kmcd's to install during assembly.
Re: Has anyone swapped 5mm LED\'s in a peak?

Moat5606 said:
I was under the (possibly mistaken?) impression that Peak had a "custom shop" that would install LEDs of your choice. If so, you might consider sending them one of your best, hand-picked 26kmcd's to install during assembly.

[/ QUOTE ]

That would be pretty cool, Since i am not real electronically inclined.. I want two, so one with the ultra power and one built wih a 26K and be able to compare the difference. i will ask them VDG
Re: Has anyone swapped 5mm LED\'s in a peak?

I sent some of the 26K leds to peak to compare with theirs and use if possible. They told me they were not as good as the ones they use in a comparison test. I also sent one of the MJLED uncut leds and got the same response. I just stuck with their stock leds in a Matterhorn 3 led which I should receive today or tomorrow. We will see if they were correct.
Re: Has anyone swapped 5mm LED\'s in a peak?

Did they compare the 26Ks to their Hi power or Ultra Hi power LEDs? It'll be good to know that - if they are already using state of the art LEDs in their lights it makes sense to just order it and be done with it.
Re: Has anyone swapped 5mm LED\'s in a peak?

I too would like to know what is used in the ultra hi po.
I just remember back in the summer that many review's were
often pointing out that the brightest 1 LED AAA's weren't that bright. But on the other hand the recent review by FLboy said it was much brighter then his arc and photon's, so maybe. just hate to spend $35 on one and it be dim.

maybe a little disclosure from peak would be nice. VDG