HDS EDC old style (#00xx) questions


Dec 29, 2006
Lima, Perú
I am about to get an Ultimate 60 #00XX, and im planning to change the emitter on it (read that its great with edixeons for throw because of the taller dome but im more for a balanced beam so im going with a SSC P4 USWOH)

there are many things i have read about this lights but i feel i have very incomplete info, as the HDS forum and the data on it is not available anymore.

things i have read:

-the reflector is fixed
-the tailcap is glued/fixed?
-waterproof depth rating = 2 mts/6 feet

what other things are important to know about this old style HDS EDCs?

many thanks in advance!
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thanks!, i already dld a pdf while doing some research, its a pity i missed the time this light came out, seems like a lot of info was lost when HDS forum was taken down. anyone has a backup of the forum?
Do keep in mind the HDS EDC is basically HAND TUNED to work with the emitter which is installed. The LED was hand sorted as well. they are pretty special all by themselves.
I am not saying not to mod the thing but it is a pretty optimised setup just as it is.

Have fun.

I am about to get an Ultimate 60 #00XX, and im planning to change the emitter on it (read that its great with edixeons for throw because of the taller dome but im more for a balanced beam so im going with a SSC P4 USWOH)

there are many things i have read about this lights but i feel i have very incomplete info, as the HDS forum and the data on it is not available anymore.

things i have read:

-the reflector is fixed
-the tailcap is glued/fixed?
-waterproof depth rating = 2 mts/6 feet

what other things are important to know about this old style HDS EDCs?

many thanks in advance!
You are right Yaesumofo, thanks for the heads up.

if i do the mod, i will keep the old emitter, the mod is perfectly undoable right?, i mean the settings for that old emitter will remain.

i will however use the light (when i receive it) as it is now for some days to see how it fares, and want to do some comparisons with my novatac 120p.

Only difference is you unscrew the module from the rear of the head.

Hey Tebore, this is a good chance to thank you for the guide you made!, that is what pushed me to go ahead to do it :D

about the light engine removal: i was aware of that but, also want to know other details about the smooth tail that doesnt disassemble etc.

this is a bit of a request, but do you have pictures and info saved somewhere so i can see what the old models are about?, not just outside but inside specially?

sorry for asking, and if its too annoying please disregard my questions.
I'd like to help. But I don't have pics of the mod for the older models.

I added it to the original thread but the thread died with the HDS section and I didn't save the pics.

The tail doesn't disassemble if it's smooth.
I have a smooth tailcap HDS EDC. I was actually able to seperate it by hand, I was quite surprised. The original tailcaps have a complicated design. I'll post pics of it tomorrow.
I have a smooth tailcap HDS EDC. I was actually able to seperate it by hand, I was quite surprised. The original tailcaps have a complicated design. I'll post pics of it tomorrow.

Excellent, I want to see the tailcap details.
I'd like to help. But I don't have pics of the mod for the older models.

I added it to the original thread but the thread died with the HDS section and I didn't save the pics.

The tail doesn't disassemble if it's smooth.
tebore, I found your original thread here in 'Manufacturer's Corner' in the the Marketplace. IIRC that's where all the old HDS threads ended up.
I am about to get an Ultimate 60 #00XX, and im planning to change the emitter on it (read that its great with edixeons for throw because of the taller dome but im more for a balanced beam so im going with a SSC P4 USWOH)

there are many things i have read about this lights but i feel i have very incomplete info, as the HDS forum and the data on it is not available anymore.

things i have read:

-the reflector is fixed
-the tailcap is glued/fixed?
-waterproof depth rating = 2 mts/6 feet

what other things are important to know about this old style HDS EDCs?

many thanks in advance!

The fixed reflector makes the mod a bit more difficult since turning down the reflector will be a bit more difficult. Drill and Dremel fixes this fast:naughty:

The fixed reflector makes the mod a bit more difficult since turning down the reflector will be a bit more difficult. Drill and Dremel fixes this fast:naughty:


are the beam characteristics that bad without modding the reflector?, maybe its a good idea to keep it stock...
I have never had to mod the reflector when I did any of mine, I guess it all depends how picky you are gonna be. I have found that you might get a donut from about a few inches away, but I doubt you will be using it in that manner anyway. I would leave the reflector alone, see how it works out for you.

So it looks like the smoothie can be unscrewed.

If you use the Edexeon(Sp?) emitter instead of the SSC you won't get a donut and it's a really tight beam with the old fixed emitter. This is because the die sits higher.
I have a smooth tailcap HDS EDC. I was actually able to seperate it by hand, I was quite surprised. The original tailcaps have a complicated design. I'll post pics of it tomorrow.
So you just grabbed it and twisted and it came apart? Or was it a bit more involved? The spring in mine is screwed up and I really want to get in there and try to fix it.
I think Elmie's cap is earlier than mine. My center spring doesn't have the 4 fingers, but I still have the side bails.

My next question is whether the Novatac tailcap end piece at Lighthound is wholly or partially compatible.
The serial # on my light is 684 I think. It was literally the first batch of lights that HDS starting shipping out. I was on the pre-order list for almost a year! I was curious about the tail cap so I just went and tried un-screwing it. Didn't take much force at all. Didn't seem like there was any loctite on it. I believe HDS started to to loctite the smooth tails when people started reporting problems with it. Well that's because they took it apart and didn't know how it went back in...LOL

I like the fit and finish of the smoothie more than the latest knurled tailcap. Firstly there isn't this huge gap between the head and the tail. But I like the feel of the knurled switch better.