Headlight for runner


Newly Enlightened
Sep 22, 2010
Due to the flooding we had last month, the trails I normally run at the park aren't really safe to run in the dark any more. So I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a headlamp to wear while running.

Aside from reasonable light output and light weight, my main problem is I sweat a LOT. So I guess I'd need either something well sealed, or else a design that wouldn't collect all the sweat I generate.
Silva makes a light specifically for running called the "trail runner"

Pretty good light for running
The Zebralights is just as good as the Silva Trail Runner and Sprinter, +it is more powerful.
I Think a Zebralight H51 will fit your needs :)
with 2 AA batteries i the Trail Runner has over 100 grams weight, and with a AA the H51 have the weight of 85 grams.
The Silva is IPX-7 waterproof, and the H51 is IPX-8 waterproof( ZL can be 1,5 meter under water)
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Thanks for the suggestions!

The Black Diamond is available from (at least) REI. The H51 is back ordered through Zebralights (though looks interesting!), and I can't find any place that sells the Silva. I was just doing Google searches and couldn't find anyplace (other than direct from Zebralights for the H51) either. Any suggestions on where they might be available?
you can find the H51 here. It is in stock! :)

I don't think the Trail Runner is avaliable in the US, if i remember right..
But don't cry, i've tried it and it's not THAT awesome, it uses either 2 AA's whhich use more spcae+more weight(80 lumens) or 4 AA's in a external battery pack(145 lumens) The H51 is way better, in my opinion :) 200 lumens from a single AA.
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Thanks for the suggestions!

The Black Diamond is available from (at least) REI. The H51 is back ordered through Zebralights (though looks interesting!), and I can't find any place that sells the Silva. I was just doing Google searches and couldn't find anyplace (other than direct from Zebralights for the H51) either. Any suggestions on where they might be available?

They're on sale in eBay....
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I will say a running headlamp should fit these requirements;

- As lightweight as possible
- As bright as possible, good mix between flood and throw
- Easy to use

I think something like the Zebralight H51 will fit the bill, good flood, but it will give you the throw you need for running.

I've been using my Zebralight H31 for running, and when i run at parks/streets where there are a bit lightening i only use the 120 lumens mode, it's plenty of light. But when i'm in more dark areas, i go 220 lumens all the way! What batteries do you want to use? H31 uses 1 x CR123 and the H51 uses 1 x AA.
I think the H31 is a little bit more lightweight than the H51, and both are more lightweight than the headlamps mentioned before.
Waterproofness is also important, imo
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I run heavily at night, and I have to say go for a floody light.

Running, even if you have a very stable head, you still will get a bouncy bouncy hotspot, which drives me crazy. Plus you only need to be looking at most 10 feet in front of you. But my ZL H30 is perfect for me.

My usual night trail running/urban parkour in training setup is usually a L1 strapped to my wrist, and the H30, or just the L1 (sometimes a F04 on the L1). That way I get a punch into the distance if needed, but mostly not.
So I thought about it a bit more, and ended up ordering an H31. Seems like it's a little lighter and smaller, and I have a bunch of CR123s around. Now, the wait begins :)
Awsome choice!
I have the H31 myself and i have NO problems with it when i'm running, perfect weight, very powerful and easy to operate!:)
you will be very happy with it :)
For the runners that use Zebra lights: do you find that there is enough light ? I haven't owned one since they first came out, but they were all flood and not overly bright. I forget what led they were using at the time.

I find that I need something that has some kind of throw. Yesterday morning running in the daylight, a bear crossed the road within 30 feet of me. I regularly come across skunks, porcupines, opossums, raccoons, etc. when running with a headlamp. Yes, I live in the woods. :)
I have found that a Zebralight does not provide enough throw for my late night trail-runs. It's a great all-around headlamp but I feel that running is the one department where it falls short. I'm curious as to whether people use them on paved roads or not.
I have found that a Zebralight does not provide enough throw for my late night trail-runs. It's a great all-around headlamp but I feel that running is the one department where it falls short. I'm curious as to whether people use them on paved roads or not.

I'm considering using a pair of Zebralights for night rollerblading - I have a thread going on about this - however my main concern is shorter range illumination (30 feet or less) for avoiding ground debris. This is exclusively in an urban, residential environment.

Were I rollerblading on a paved trail at night I'd DEFINITELY want something with more throw.

The "bouncy hotspot" comment posted above is something I could see as a major annoyance though - not so much of a problem while skating, but running? Yeah I could see where that might get really annoying...
My H31 give me the throw i need, actually more throw than i need.
It have a fine mix between flood and throw, most flood, but far enough trow for running, IMO:)
I have found that a Zebralight does not provide enough throw for my late night trail-runs. It's a great all-around headlamp but I feel that running is the one department where it falls short. I'm curious as to whether people use them on paved roads or not.

What model is your "a Zebralight"? Zebralight makes all flood lights and lights with reflectors.
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My H31 arrived this afternoon. I've worn it around the house a little bit, it feels nice and light. It seems to put out plenty of light, I'm guessing that for most of my running (streets during the week) M1 will be plenty of light. It looks like a pretty good beam pattern for running. I'll try it on an actual run Monday morning.
I am also a keen runner who is about to invest in a new headlamp. ZebraLight seems like a good choice with its floodlight style.

Two questions come to my mind when reading about ZL:

Battery life - being powered by a single AA (like the H501) - will this provide sufficient light for a night run of 2-3 hrs on tracks and on paved roads?

Ergonomy - my past headlamps have had an overhead strap to avoid the lamp from sliding down. ZL seems not to have this strap. If so, has any ZL owner experienced any problem with not having an overhead strap?

Thanks in advance for adressing these questions.