HELP!: D-mini switch


Feb 3, 2004
s.c. usa
I bought a d-mini off someone here but didn't get instructions on installing the hi-low switch.Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Go to and click on the D-mini button. The instructions and pictures are about two-thirds of the way down the page.

Hey Orbital...does a "jinx" count on a forum?
Coachbigdog, I'm not sure if you've bought another switch, or what, but if I'm not mistaken, the extra switch that came with the D-Mini that I sent you is not a 2-stage. It's just a standard twisty. The light didn't come with instructions, either, but if you monkey gently, you should be able to figure it out.
Use long fine-nose pliers to unscrew/screw the switch, with tips that fit into the holes/slots cut in the switch body. Be gentle, and don't over-tighten anything. When reassembling, use proper lube on the metal threads and portions of the switch cover that contact metal. There are a couple of threads on this, in the various Lumapower threads.

The Lumapower tactical momentary uses a black plastic ring that threads into the tailcap, and that has to be removed if you're using the two-stage clickie (or the new single-stage forward clickie, presumably).

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