Help Me Decide!!!


Dec 27, 2008
I was in Lowe's yesterday and bought one of the $40 Remington headlamps that was mentioned in an earlier thread. It claims to have an output of 150 lumens on the 4AA batts and has a nice build construction and lots of useful features. I haven't opened it yet, thinking I may go another route. I've always liked Coast products, having the 7438 flashlight, a headlamp they make (don't know the #) and a few keychain lights and like the build quality, performance, etc. I really like their newer 7497 headlamp. Anybody have experience or reviews on them? Also had the PT Apex in mind, but think it's a bit too expensive compared to the others. Thanks for any info. Later!
Coincidently I had a look at the Led Lenser H7 in a local store today.
My first impression was "wow, that's quite a bit smaller than I'd imagined". The light itself is quite good. It has a nice beam and is reasonably bright. The focus ring does it's job too. I didn't have chance to compare it much to other lights though. The only other light they had there with batteries was the Petzl Ultra and obviously that was a rather unfair match... :laughing:
Everything sounds good so far, but this is where the fun stops too.
The build quality of the H7 is what I would call really poor. The wire from the battery pack to the light is thin and I can imagine it could be ripped off quite easily. The plastic it's made of feels cheap and not very durable at all. It doesn't have the most comfortable headband either, but it's ok.
Beacuse of the lacking build quality this is a light I wouldn't even consider using it on my hikes or skiing trips.

I'm currently looking for a headlamp to buy too and I'm quite sure I'll settle with the Zebralight H60. If that one is too expensive, the H30 is a good alternative. They both seem to have good build quality and the performance is good too.
Well I just returned fro a local Gander Mountain to see what they had. Only decent headlamp I saw there was a Princeton Tech Apex, but it must've been a bit older as it was listed as having a max of 60 lumens. Had nice build quality, but not for $79. Before I went there I looked at alot of LED headlamps online in my price range. Thought about the MYO RXP if I could find it and then thought about the 130 lumen (I think) Apex....... but since considering how much the Remington was ($40) and the build quality and features on it I decided to give it a shot. I opened it, assembled the straps, etc... and am totally satisfied with the light output, features, comfort, etc. If I ever figure out how to download pics from our camera I'll write a short review with pics. My wife switched to a new pic download software and never told me how to set my screen up for it. Anyway, I know there are alot of good LED headlamps out there, but for the mere price of $40 I think it's hard to beat what this Remington has to offer. Only time will tell. Later!

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