Newly Enlightened
I'm replacing my old lights one be one. My wifes solitaire is now a lovely itp a3. Next up is the trusty maglite 2d
My ideal replacement would be fairly chunky, a bit smaller but similar proportions and brighter with a few settings -ideally no strobe. It would have a simple interface. It needs to sit on the shelf for much of the year and get picked up to walk down some unlit streets ; head out camping and be reliable when needed. The current maglite batteries last a year or two. I don't like to throw batteries out so use rechargeables. I've got eneloops in aaa and aa and nimh in other sizes. I actually charge these with solar, so it really is free lights
From this I've narrowed it down to these 'vague' requirements - nothing is fixed, but here is where I'm heading:
High setting over 300 lumens
at least 3 settings
long runtime (3 hours + on over 100 lumens)
long shelflife (low parasitic load)
quality to last 10 years +
A joy to pick up
less than $150
I think my heart wants a TK40 because it looks great and seems to tick most of the boxes I have. The parasitic load is the killer for me on this.
The Polestar A6 Christmas special with another itp a3 is a bargain at £60 in the UK but the strobe and general comments on quality here put me off a little, and I wonder if I will continue to call it a joy to pick up or if I will end up wishing I had held out for a better light.
I also wander if a cr123 light would be nice (I have a nano 123 charger) but I don't like the idea of buying li-ion batteries that aren't used much and lose 20% capacity in a year.
Any thoughts? comments? other lights that I could look at?- hoping for some comments on where I'm heading and any other suggestions.
My ideal replacement would be fairly chunky, a bit smaller but similar proportions and brighter with a few settings -ideally no strobe. It would have a simple interface. It needs to sit on the shelf for much of the year and get picked up to walk down some unlit streets ; head out camping and be reliable when needed. The current maglite batteries last a year or two. I don't like to throw batteries out so use rechargeables. I've got eneloops in aaa and aa and nimh in other sizes. I actually charge these with solar, so it really is free lights
From this I've narrowed it down to these 'vague' requirements - nothing is fixed, but here is where I'm heading:
High setting over 300 lumens
at least 3 settings
long runtime (3 hours + on over 100 lumens)
long shelflife (low parasitic load)
quality to last 10 years +
A joy to pick up
less than $150
I think my heart wants a TK40 because it looks great and seems to tick most of the boxes I have. The parasitic load is the killer for me on this.
The Polestar A6 Christmas special with another itp a3 is a bargain at £60 in the UK but the strobe and general comments on quality here put me off a little, and I wonder if I will continue to call it a joy to pick up or if I will end up wishing I had held out for a better light.
I also wander if a cr123 light would be nice (I have a nano 123 charger) but I don't like the idea of buying li-ion batteries that aren't used much and lose 20% capacity in a year.
Any thoughts? comments? other lights that I could look at?- hoping for some comments on where I'm heading and any other suggestions.