Help with cheap 1xAA or 2xAA


Jul 4, 2007
Waipio, HI
I know its been posted on here a few times before, but I can't seem to find those threads. My girlfriend just got a new job that requires her to go into a basement and unlock doors every morning. A legitimate use for a flashlight!:twothumbs

So anyways, I let her steal my L2D CE MOP. But I'd like to get her something comparable, so I can have my Fenix back for work! I know there are alot of crap Crees on DX and KAI, and a handful of good ones. MTE was one that I think I heard was good. Can anyone help me out? And what bout this cheap Rebel from Ultrafire, worth considering? Thanks for the help!
I read on CPF that the UltraFire C3 (1xAA and comes wiht 2xAA tube) has excellent build quality for the price (about 20 bucks) compared to others in the same range. Expect to wait about 2 weeks for the item to arrive if you order from DX, though.
Both the MTE and ultrafire C3 are very good light for under $20.
There is now Rebel MTE available on DX.
Add the Dexlight X.V to this. A good multilevel twisty for just a bit over USD20.
Target usually has a River Rock 1AA that's well regarded. It comes in black, 42 lumens and it has a nice pocket clip.
just got one of these and i am very happy with it.


heres a review on it

+1 on C3, have 2 myself. Decent build quality and well regulated lumens.
I got a MTE 1xAA sscP4 and use it for work everyday, its small, bright,and cheap. I work new construction and the light takes a beating and keeps on going.
Lol! Now I have three to choose from! With the Ultrafire WF-606A in the mix! Anyone know which one is brighter? Not sure if the manufacturer's lumen ratings are trustworthy. Can't say thanks enough!
i think the MTE is a touch brighter being a SSC, but i am no expert with these items.

I went with the 606a as i wanted the ability of using standard AA's and it was very close to a minimag style.

Lol! Now I have three to choose from! With the Ultrafire WF-606A in the mix! Anyone know which one is brighter? Not sure if the manufacturer's lumen ratings are trustworthy. Can't say thanks enough!
The single-stage MTE SSC at DX is a touch brighter than the Ultrafire C3. Although the C3 comes with a 2AA tube, it's no brighter on 2AA - it just has much longer runtime with better regulation. Both are good lights, and the only two <$20 single stage lights I'd recommend from DX. Haven't tried the 606A.
Walmart has for $14 bucks the new black anodized aluminum Brinkmann 2AA 1 Watt led light kinda like the mag 2AA 3watt only 6 bucks less.

The Ultrafire rebel would be interesting to know how it is. But you said AA, and it uses cr123.

The single-stage MTE SSC at DX is a touch brighter than the Ultrafire C3. Although the C3 comes with a 2AA tube, it's no brighter on 2AA - it just has much longer runtime with better regulation. Both are good lights, and the only two <$20 single stage lights I'd recommend from DX. Haven't tried the 606A.

I have the MTE and the C3, and the C3 is brighter for me. Compared to my Rexlite, the MTE is about equal to medium. The C3 is in between med and high on the Rex. The C3 was about the same brightness on 1 AA, 2AA and Li-ion. I'm just eyeballing this, so it's not scientific.

My vote is for the C3 + Extension tube :)

- Great build quality.
- Great brightness on both 1 and 2 AA (Just remember it's regulated, so same brightness on 1 or 2)
- Good runtime on 1 AA and and great runtime on 2 AA.
- Can order a GITD/Red/Spare cap for it, the ones they sell is a perfect fit :)

Downsides compared to MTE:
- Very narrow tube, can be a problem with some cells.
- Can't tail stand, cause button stands out.

Based on what others have said, I guess the C3 and MTE SSC's have similar brightness, which varies per sold unit, so for some the one is brighter, for some the other :)
If she likes your L2DCE then get her one exactly like it. Last thing you want is for her to think you're giving her second-rate lights while keeping the good ones for yourself. ;)

More seriously, 1AA lights REALLY want to run on rechargeables, and unless your gf is a flashaholic or you indoctrinate her, she's going to run any AA light you give her on alkalines. So she's better off with a 2AA light if she doesn't mind the size, since it draws less current.

Alternatively, include a pair of Eneloops and a charger with any light you give her.

You might also consider the L0D CE if you think she would rather have a small light. It really is a lot less cumbersome than even a 1AA light.
Whoops! Didn't realize that the Ultrafire wasn't a AA light! Thank you!

And I HAD thought about another Fenix for her, but I don't think she liked the fact that they cost "so much".

Ok. So I'm thinking either the C3 or this MTE. Just because it says Rebel. OoOoOOoo...ahhhh.
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Whoops! Didn't realize that the Ultrafire wasn't a AA light! Thank you!

And I HAD thought about another Fenix for her, but I don't think she liked the fact that they cost "so much".

Ok. So I'm thinking either the C3 or this MTE. Just because it says Rebel. OoOoOOoo...ahhhh.

The MTE looks very good to me. Multiple modes and probably nearly twice the output of the C3. Just can't be entirely sure yet that it doesn't have any little "bugs", so you might want to wait a bit till someone gets it and does a review or something.
Think I'll bite the bullet and get this MTE. I'll post any issues I might have with it.

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