Holsters for non-tactical users


Newly Enlightened
Nov 12, 2008
I consider myself a non-tactical user because I dont work for any sort of law-enforcement agency nor do I use my flashlights for any professional use, I love my flashlights and carry them because I like the feeling of being able to shoot photons whenever I feel the need like at a bbq or when looking for a lost item or whatever. I currently EDC an E1B, sometimes an E2DL (for jogging), and will son bee EDC'ing a Sundrop 3S :twothumbs ... I am a firm believer that most of the time its not about the lumens, its more about the feeling, satisfaction, and "sight-pleasure" the light produces, its more of a lifestyle than a professional need for me. So my question is, what holsters have you guys seen that would be great for users like me? A holster that's not about being the most tactical-quick-action-always-ready-releaser, but a holster with a personality, something you can take your time and enjoy the whole process of wearing and using. Preferably something hand-made out of leather. I saw this one:
(first pic) which I absolutely loved. Its all about the personality, have you guys found any that fit these needs?
Oh and by the way, i forgot to mention, my friends still can't believe I EDC an E1B everywhere, even inside nightclubs in case of emergencies. Is it really that weird?
Yeah, stupid second question I guess... I certainly haven't seen or know of any flashaholic in my area though so its even weirder... What about the first question??
If you want a holster with quick access, expandable baton holster maybe? My one doesn't have a top flap for retention purposes. I have one for my L4 with e2d tailcap, pretty snug fit. Maglite also have holsters that "might" fit the E2DL, there are also plenty of aftermarket manufacturers, eg Ripoffs. SF have some good holsters that seem pretty wear proof. As for custom, the skies the limit.
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For an E1B, I'd give serious thought to bezel-down in a pocket.

But I've used the baton holster to great effect before with an Inova - fit the new XO reflector models bezel up (and by extension, the T2) like it was made for them. I'll probably stick with it as a backup rig until Hell freezes over, or Inova updates the T series again and gives them a low-beam. Seriously, it worked great, and it was cheap.
I guess the best option for me now is to build myself a holster, so I'm gonna get to that and I'll post any pics once I am done. I dont have any experience working with leather but I'll see what I can do...
Yeah, wearing stuff in a holster in a nightclub is weird. Put it in a pocket, if you have a zip/velcro pocket even better.
Check out the holsters that Matt makes at AOTH he does great work and has many hide types to choose from.
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Oh and by the way, i forgot to mention, my friends still can't believe I EDC an E1B everywhere, even inside nightclubs in case of emergencies. Is it really that weird?

No, you're not weird. I EDC a Fenix E01 on my keys, Ultrafire A1 clipped to my pocket, Jetbeam Jet III Pro ST in my bag during weekdays and holstered to my belt on weekends (right side) and a Gerber Suspension multitool on the left, that with my cell phone (E51) holster and my wife says that i am Fatman with a utility belt.

So, no, you're not weird, the rest of the world is for not being prepared.
Several gun holster makers make some kind of holster for a flashlight, usually a Sure Fire 6P or equivalent. Bianchi, Galco, Kramer, Don Hume, El Paso Saddlery, make fine leather items and some of the custom makers can use horse hide, shark skin, alligator, or others if you really want to get fancy.