How about good old MiniMag / NiteIze for EDC?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2004
Northern Virginia
I've had several once upon a time and was rather impressed with them. No throw obviously, but the original 2AA minimag is rather compact.

I am finding that the Surefire is just too much/too big most of the time.

Question, what kind of runtime can you expect on NiMH? And how many lumens? Surely more than the good olde Gerber Ultra?
I've had several once upon a time and was rather impressed with them. No throw obviously, but the original 2AA minimag is rather compact.

I am finding that the Surefire is just too much/too big most of the time.

Question, what kind of runtime can you expect on NiMH? And how many lumens? Surely more than the good olde Gerber Ultra?
Don't know about the runtime but the lumens should be around 10 or so.
Another alternative would be the smjled drop in.
Its a good serviceable setup IMHO. I've had the host since 1997 and the drop in since 2001, its been dropped countless times and has proven to be very durable. Its not your "Wow the buddies around the campfire" kind of light, but its about 10 Lumens of floody light and good run times. Its just a little too bright to preserve night vision, but thats one of the things that makes it more useful around the house. My biggest complaint is its pissed-angry purple/blue tint.:barf:, it could easily pass as a light blue colored LED... Yuk!!
I've been using the 3 led module with the IQ switch and find the low level to be perfect for my night adapted vision. I wonder how many lumens that is? 2 maybe 3?
For the money, the SMJLED is a nice upgrade. I got six this week and did four conversions for friends already. You won't start any fires with it but it's way better than the stock yellow incandescent bulb.
With all my "better" lights, I stick with a minimag as my EDC. The reason is because I have a bunch of very nice genuine minimag leather holsters bought on clearance. I use the Nite-ize 1 watt module, but not the IQ switch that came with it. I had picked a few up at Target on clearance for 5 bucks a piece and it's a big improvement over the lackluster Nite-ize 3 led module. I don't care for the IQ switch because of the annoying blinking out of both ends, the diminished output, and the fact that I only use the light at full power (not as though it is so bright that you need to power it down). Plus, it's a minimag, no tears to shed if I drop, scrape, or lose it.
I like how the orig MiniMag is compact. Plus, I like twistie and don't need any modes.

If I need real power, I will reach for Surefire with Malkoff. but the latter is way too much for many situations.
I use one with a Nite-Ize drop-in. I also put the Nite-Ize in my friends mini as well as one of two that my mom owns. In my moms second one I put a Terralux drop-in in it. The one that sell for roughly $15. All of these are excellent. I like mine for around and inside the house at night. It will be the one I grab first in a bug out of the house type of emergency. Then I grab my Surefires and Stinger.

I am planning on getting another mini-mag or two as well.
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I use one with the NI 1 watt/IQ tail switch and a red lens for late night trips to the bathroom or kitchen. For now I'm running a pair of Kodak 2100 mah NiMHs that came with one of my cameras. Everything balances out nicely and the first setting is perfect for night adjusted eyes.
It's a good combination for a budget EDC light. I'd go with the 1watt Nite-Ize upgrade instead of the 3-LED upgrade. The 3-LED upgrade is great for blackouts. But the 1watt is better for EDC. Especially if it's your main EDC light. A dimmer coin-cell light is a good secondary light to carry.
I rather like this setup for travel. Most TSA types recognize a minimag and don't blink. I've been questioned over an Inova X5 before...fortunately the second agent knew what it was.

Never had a second glance at a mini mag. There's a lot to be said for that.
Still have a great deal of respect for the good ol' Mini-Maglite.

For TerraLux upgrade modules,
the one closest in brightness to the Nite-Ize 3-LED module
is the TerraLux TLE-10.

For some reason, it now seems to be called the TLE-20.
Don't be confused. It's the same identical product.

This has a one-half watt Nichia Rigel emitter.

About as bright as the original Mini-Mag incand. bulb,
yet it never burns out, or blackens with age.

And alkaline batteries last more than twice as long.

(Longer than the Nite-Ize. I compared the two.)

My TLE-10 has a bit of a "two-toned" beam. :(

So i installed a piece of 5-ply diffision film,
which i got (last year) from ex-CPF member FastCar.

And now, the beam is Absolutely Superb !


This is a fine choice when you want yer' Mini-Maglite
to be a "soft and gentle" beam.

Way nicer than the yukky Nite-Ize 3-LED version.

Can't beat the reliability of the Mini-Mag !

I think the Mini-Mag is a decent budget EDC though it is a little large for my taste.The best thing about the MM besides the price is the previously mentioned servicability.Most parts can be easily replaced, with many other lights it is difficult to nearly impossible just to replace the lens.
Instead of the 3 LED Nite-Ize module I would spend a little more and get the old TLE-5 Mini-Star2 w/1 watt Luxeon and the TCS-1 tailcap both from TerraLUX.I guess this pushes the price up-MM $8,TLE-5 $15 and TCS-1 $4= $27.Still,since the light is completely servicable I don't think that is too much.If you want a floody light the strait walled reflector from the 3 LED module will work with the TLE-5.Better to have an EDC with at least moderate output IMO.You could always carry an EO1 or something similar for long runtime.
I specifically want great runtime vs. many lumens, as I already have a Surefire 9P/M60 for real lumens.

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