How can I convert this light so that it uses an AC adapter?

Looking at the pics, and reviews, it seems it runs on a 3v battery which is located underneath the base. So the simplest way would be to get a cheap 3v wall wart type psu ( either buy a multivoltage or rummage through your stuff to see if you have a suitable one) and attach/solder teh -ve and +ve leads from the psu to the relevant tabs in the light.
According to one of the comments about the product it functions of of two batteries so wouldn't it be 6v? (Don't know exactly, so that's why I ask.) Also are there any special considerations/dangers to utilizing a wall wart (voltage fluctuation, fire hazard??) Just want to make sure there is no chance of me burning a friends house down (or my own for that matter :grin2:)
One person says one batt, the other says two! I would assume its two batteries, so 6Vs. Which works out even better, cuz 6V wall warts are very common.
As regards to the safety issue, I wouldnt think this would be more hazardous than using them in the original function, ie powering whatever they came with originally.

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