How do I carry my Leatherman when I wear shorts?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 9, 2004
The temps here in Chicago are awesome. Today is my first shorts day of the year. I'm getting ready to go out and I noticed a problem. I have no way to carry my Leatherman. Usually I have the belt holster which is fine with pants. But with shorts a belt is just not going to work. I have very little fashion sense but I have enough to know a belt with the types of shorts I wear are as cool as black socks with sandals. With the tool in a pocket my shorts are off kilter because of the weight. Is there a holster that clips over the waistband? Maybe? Hopefully? Thanks for the help.
Layered tight fitting undergarments?

perhaps only one set... if youre really close with it?


Fanny pack?

stealth belt of some sort?

Ace bandages?

Personal Sherpa?

ive heard of a place called EDCforums. they might really have some good info.

I never tuck. I feel like a dork and my little gut doesn't help! Maybe I could find a belt that looks ok. Man alive more clothing purchasing! If only it was the future and we all wore the same silver jumpsuits. So much easier. :p
Consider getting a Kydex sheath custom made for your Leatherman. You can ask for a waistband/belt clip to be made, to your spec, as well. Ask on EDCF for someone to make a Kydex sheath for you, and you'll get what you ask for.
If it's a Wave or Charge, get the pocket clip, been carrying mine like a folder for a couple years now without a single complaint.
i second the cargo pants. it goes well with slippers, sandals, runners (make sure you dont wear socks with slippers and sandals, lol), and almost any type of shirts/t-shirts will match. save the shorts for when you play sports or need to be light weight to move around. tucking your shirt into the cargo pants can be fine and you'll look proper. it can be a good change of looks once in awhile.

another idea is to get a fanny pack type bag and wear it like those single strap side sling backpack. you can find one that hold just your essentials when you go out like your cell phone, keys, wallet and of course your leatherman. the bag/pack can be also worn in the front to prevent ppl opening and stealing stuff from the back. also, if you need to be lightweight, taking off the bag is much quicker then to have to unclip everything off of your pants. example, toilets in china (literally, even restaurants, only have a hole in the ground) or a port a potty. you dont want anything to unclip and fall into the hole, EWW!!

i dont have much of a fashion sence myself, but i see how ppl dress and pick up on it. heck, i'm sure you'll probably notice alot of times that ppl may dress more of a geek or have a huge fashion clash then you do. as long as you feel comfortable in what you wear and carry, thats pretty much all that counts.
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Thanks all. I've been eyeing cargo pants for a while. Can anyone recomment some nice and more importantly cheap pants?
Hey Grenlight,


Real men dont wear kilts!
:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:
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