How muggles use flashlights

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cave dave

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 15, 2001
I wrote up a post over in the headlamps section that I've been meaning to write for awhile now and thought it deserved an expansion and discussion of its own.

Basically it helps explain why non-regulated can be a good thing or why the new ICON lights are designed like they are, and some things just aren't explainable.

Muggle = Non-aholic or normal (unenlightend) person

In the "real" world most flashlights are only used a few minutes at a time and alkaline batteries recover voltage between uses so regulation simply isn't important for this role. I know there are some good graphs of intermittent use out there if anybody can find them and wants to post them.

My first subject is how muggles use lights over extended periods and what I've noticed. As a caver I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of dark time with muggles using headlamps. Often 6-10hrs at a time underground while caving. I was also un-enlightened when I started caving so have similar experiences of mine own. :rolleyes:

Here is what I have noticed:

1) 98% of cavers don't use rechargeables, I've tried to convince them but everybody uses alkaline, they may have tried in the past but they had bad experiences or too lazy/forgetful to recharge, so never again. (There misguided experience is that rechargeable = less bright, short runtimes, high self discharge) The few cavers who use rechargables have forgotten to recharge them before they came. :sigh:

2) Unregulated lights like Petzl dim slowly enough that you simply don't notice the dimming while caving. You're eyes adjust faster than the lights dim.

3) Non-flasholics won't change batteries till the last dying glimmer of the bulb or emitter. My guess would be about 1/20th of the peak brightness.

4) They won't even change batteries between trips either, so they may start the second day trip at 25% of the peak brightness. (actually it starts at near 100% as there is some battery recovery over night, but brightness drops off quickly). And yet they DON'T notice. In fact they brag about how great there Petzl is and that they have done 3 cave trips on one set of batteries.

5) They never clean their stuff either, or remove the batteries between trips or check to see if their lights work before they leave from home. Just a small amount of moisture in the battery case with the batteries given a month to stew will cause the contacts to corrode and I've seen plenty of leaky batteries as well. They always seem to find this out right as we enter the cave. Not even at the car where their spares are. Most every trip I've ever been on somebody has started the trip with one of there backup light. :ohgeez:

6) There is good chance their backup light doesn't work either for the above reasons.

7) Muggles don't learn from experience. So you will see the same people do the same dumb thing over and over. (This seems universal in life) This is also why I am no longer a muggle.

I think it was about time we found a name for the unenlightened.

Love the thread though..keep em comming.
I like it! Good name.

It's the same name that Geocachers use for people near geocaches, but who are unaware of the cache. I.E. non geocachers!

They always say not to uncover a cache when there are 'Muggles' about!
hmm..sheeple.. thought that was general word used of those that are scared when non sheeple takes out their edc knife/gun/useful equipment they carry or have near by and uses it when needed.

guess flashlights could qualify.

i thought that
sheeple: person suprised and scared when shtf and is not in anyway prepared to deal with it. not materially, not even mentally.
i thought that
sheeple: person suprised and scared when shtf and is not in anyway prepared to deal with it. not materially, not even mentally.

muggles are people who don't have a light putter outter and wear funny clothes.
sheeple are people who can be pursuaded to wear funny clothes b/c they saw them on intertainment tonight. they are usually pre-occupied by global warming and toufoo.
they can and do intermarry but the outcome is never good. they are called hippies but you don't see them in great numbers anymore
How many ways can you call a noob something else besides a noob?

:thinking:.... sometimes i wonder how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll lollipop... i've never made it that far though... too busy watching Oprah i guess. :sssh:
Hey all I intended this thread to be about how real people use real lights. Maybe even provoking some interesting light design issues to address some of these problems. For instance reverse polarity protection or stainless steel battery contacts. Or what kind of things did you use to do before you became enlightend? That sort of thing.

I did not use the term mugles to be disparaging just tounge in check. If we can't get the thread back on track I will have it closed. I would appreciate if the folks that had disparging terminology go back and rethink there post. Often as not we are talking about our friends and family here. Think about that.

To get it back on track I'd like to a couple more bullets.

8) General folks seem to think mixing and matching batteries is no problem. If they are the same shape and size they are all interchangable.

9) General folks just know that Alkalines have 1.5v and therefore are more powerful than rechargeables. (I used to think this too)
10) Fluggles believe that the more LEDs their flashlight has, the more powerful it is (9-LED showerhead vs 1-LED Jetbeam)
Hahaha I had a muggle mix one 14500 (took it out of my D10 back when I had it) and one regular battery in a cheap chinese light that he had (Cree q5 with NO heatsinking) well long story short he clicked it on and started shining it around talkin about how "stout" my batteries are then it turned its self off........ the LED had gotten so hot it melted part of the plastic reflector and desoldered the LED from the board
Intensity and flux are both brightness.

Sorry, I guess I should have explained myself. Most general people will think my DBS is brighter with the R2 pill than the MC-E pill because it can lights things up at greater distance. This of course, is not the case. I have noticed a lot of people think this way...:shakehead
This apparent lack of concern cavers have for their important equipment is difficult for me to comprehend. Their headlights are barely functioning? The spare batteries are kept in the car? Are all their ropes frayed also?

What? You don't NEED a light that works down there? Doesn't it get "dark" if your primary light dies, and your backup light does not work either? SO dark that you need rescue, or else die?
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