Thanks for the answer Raccoon ! Is there correlation between the power of the laser ant it divergence ? Is higher power equal to lower divergence and the opposite ? Or maybe the divergence is nothing to do with the power ?
Thank you very much Raccoon ! But enough theory , it`s time for some practice So my choice generally is between 200mW RED or 50mW GREEN.
Here are the concrete lasers:
[links removed - DM51]
Which to choose ? The "burning" isn`t important for me. I want long and concentrate clear visible beam ! If you know something better that costs about 50$ feel free to recommend it to me. The only requirement is to be focus adjustable !
50mW of green will have a perceptually much brighter spot. A 200mW red's "beam" is not very visible in any lighting. A 50mW green will have a very visible "beam" in the dark. A 50mW green is probably somewhat "safer" than a 200mW red.
Even a focused 50mW green has limited burning but you can just feel it if you leave it for a while without moving it on your skin. A focused 200mW red will sting pretty quickly and can burn dark objects.
Have you ever thought about the purpose of the forums like this ? Seriously ? Do you think that anybody can buy lasers for ~200$- Seriously ? I can`t, thats why I ask the people that have more experiece.
And if you notice my questions are rather principal.
Where exactly is the problem ?
I really can`t understand why you continue to nag with me ?!? I already thanked you kindly for your replies about laser power and divergence.
Now if you can`t or don`t want to help me with my choice - OK this is your right ! But please stop post pointless comments in my topic.
Excuse me but I can`t spend 1000 or 2000$ for laser that is good in your criteria ...
Thanks for your thread it is a great question and many others besides yourself would like to learn and know more. Hopefully knowledgable people will chime in. And you are right this is the purpose of forums, ask questions and get good answers.
I agree 100% ! Just ignore people with crappy attitudes and be thankful that there are plenty of people here that will answer your questions without trying to make you feel inferior to thier way of thinking . What good is intellegence if you don't share it with others unless they are your enemies meaning to do you harm ? GOOD QUESTION Boboweb !