How to deal with MessageBoard Trolls

Well written article about an interesting social condition. Sometimes the controversy is the most interesting part to read!
I tried the link and it didn't work, how can you tell if it's a troll? And what is a
troll exactly?
And what is a troll exactly?

Oh man... this question took some self discipline to not go overboard!


More specifically on CPF an example of a troll would be a baseless rant about a light company or maker; or someone who gripes on every other thread about lights using reverse clickies :ohgeez:; or one who posts political partisan rhetoric in the Cafe.
People are too uptight and take themselves too seriously, especially on the internet, that's why trolls exist to begin with. I belong to an unmoderated internet discussion forum. It actually works quite well, you wouldn't believe how well. More people should try it.