Does the very top part of the mag-lite head assembly unscrew so one can access the lens cover? I can unscrew the whole head off of course, but cant get the rest of it apart.
Try applying WD-40 and letting the head cap stand overnight. Then try and unscrew the very end of the head cap. If stubborn, a piece of inner tube, or a housewife's helper (similar to a piece of inner tube, but colored pink
) will usually remove the screwcap. There is a neoprene 0 ring in front of the lens. Remove it from the head cap and lube with silicon / Teflon grease as you do with all the 0 rings in your Mag Lights (right?). This grease is obtainable from spa and pool supply places. Some of this grease applied to the barrel threads will aid the focusing action. In cold climates, a spray on silicon liquid lube works better.
Thanks, All I got it finally. OK another next is gettingthe switch out, I think I remove the button cover, undo some
screws, and push it out with a broom stick.
The first gen MagLights require a special wrench to remove the switch. You can tell the first gen as the serial number is larger (about 3/16") than the second gen (1/8"), and the serial numbers in the second gen start with C or D.
Second gen switch removal is easy. Just unloosen the set screw in the switch, and the switch will slide right out of the bbl.