I actually used my EDC


Newly Enlightened
Aug 13, 2009
The other night I was in my living room reading. It was about 2AM. I heard tires squeel, then headlights shining on my window where lights should never shine, finally a crash and crumple sound. I ran outside to see a truck wrapped around a tree in our driveway. I ran inside and retrieved my cellphone and dialed 911. After giving the operator my location and such, she asked me about the occupants. What was their condition? It would have been a bad time to tell her "just a minute while I run inside and track down a flashlight." Instead, I reached into my pocket and removed my ezcr2. Both occupants were unconscious but otherwise OK. In about 5 minutes time(it seemed much longer) the police arrived, and I was shooed away. If anyone wonders if they will actually ever need that flashlight they have been schlepping around all this time, all I can say is eventually you will.

More importantly, you finally used your tree! (Imagine if you didn't have that.) :sick2:
oh wow.. scary experience.. I'm glad you're not hurt, and the occupants got away alive
Wow, honestly you're more prepared than I would have been. Though I carry my EDC just about everywhere I go, the one place I don't carry it around is in the house. Kudos to you, and I'm glad no one was seriously hurt :thumbsup:
Good you were prepared, Rotor. It's always satisfying to have that little light right there when you need it.

That's a bit scary. I never carry an EDC light around the house, there's always something within reach.
I kept track for a week once recently and I use my edc (ITP C9) 3 times per day on average. It's in a "special" pocket in my jeans constantly.
I always used to carry my P1D with me, but after I lost it and started to carry a Nitecore D10 and when at home, usually I leave it in the desk or some drawer.
Had a nasty power flicker/brown out at the mall where I work the other day. Asked my boss what sort of backup systems were in place for emergency lighting. He said, "This mall has nothing beyond the required battery backup emergency lights." :candle: Well, the last time I was in a place that relied on those, 50% of them didn't work at all for lack of a good battery, the rest dimmed and died quickly. needless to say every time the power flickered, I already had my belt holster light at the ready. Was actually bummed we didn't completely lose power though :(.

Equipment that is ready, working and available immediately is the ONLY equipment that counts in an emergency or other unexpected situation. Doesn't matter that I have 4 lights in my car, several at home, etc.. if they're not RIGHT HERE, who cares?

Kudos to the quick action of the original poster, well handled! :grin2: <-- this is the smile of a satisfied card carrying EDCer/geek that has just saved the day using nothing but the tools on his person, again...
Good thing everything turned out as well as could be expected; well done OP for having that light ready. :thumbsup:

To anyone who doesn't carry their edc in the house...:banned:
Good thread, with a great title that made me laugh long and loud!

Let's hope the 2 people in the car suffered nothing worse than headaches, and your tree also makes a full recovery, lol.