i just got new skips for the truck,,question


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2004
first i never saw a weight like this

here is the rubber, they are 50 psi max,,,i am looking for a good tire gauge


That's interesting, if it is a weight then it's not much of one. Most good tire shops will happily put stick-on weights on the inside of your wheels where they're not visible, if you ask.


Edit: Actually, the GOOD shops shouldn't HAVE to be asked.
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Centramatic "ON-BOARD" Balancers would be even better but they are pricey. They are around $400 for all four tires.
$400 is a bit steep, and considering the tiers were close to a G, thats enough, granted they will last about 40k miles if i dont "cough" abuse them. Considering the these terms i think i will take it easy on them
Yes, they are steep but are great on any large or all terrain tire.

To answer your first question about a good tire gauge. Get something that is the range you will need so it will be more accurate. You should need something that goes no higher than 60 PSI.

Yes, that is just a cheap tire weight and I can't believe they mounted it on the outside of a 20in chrome rim. Once it is removed, you will have a mark there. They should have used the stick on weights from the inside.

Good luck on getting 40K miles out of those tires but you may get close if you are nice to them. The key will be to keep them properly inflated. The bad part is that usually means it will be a rough ride.
now they ride GREAT. I spoke to someone about this and they said its just a very small weight, it looks like to me it on inside out, but the numbers on the tab are very low,"weight number" so it might be a proper weight. I have never seen it like that before though. Also the other wheels have the "traditional" weights on the wheel, and there are marks where the old ones were. I use black magic wheel cleaner which should clean the marks off. BTW the wheels are polished aluminum
When you remove the weight, you should reclearcoat the scratches to prevent pitting.

Sort of OT, but a few days ago I saw an older Rav-4 with an uncovered spare with two diametrically opposed weights on the outside. I'd be pretty angry at the idiot who did that if that was my wheel.
so is the weight on inside out, or is that the weight, and the way it goes???,,,that tab cant be "just the weight" can it?though its a very low "weight" number
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No, the weight is not on inside out. You will get the best balance by putting the weights on both the inside and outside lip but not many like them on the outside. The tires/ rims must have been very close to being balanced, that is why they used such a small weight.
on big tires 37+ you can put a golf ball in each tire to balance them out the ball spins around and settles in the high spot.
i run 32 inch mud terrains and had a little bit of off balance action, to fix it i put 3/4oz of air soft pellets in each tire, same effect as the golf ball. now i just gotta work on keeping my 1000 dollar set of tires out of my fenders when it gets all flexed up like i was today. nothing say fun like climbing a 75 degree 100 ft muddy hill climb
Nope, no alignment,,it was reccomended on my bill, though the truck has 38K and some change on the ticker i dont think anything is out... The truck does not pull though
i made an appointment to get it done. figured its a sound way to protect an investment of almost a G

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