I just tested my NUBM44-81 450nm "Thor's Hammer" using my new Hyperion Argentum LPM


Newly Enlightened
Jan 7, 2017
Las Vegas Baby !
I just tested my NUBM44-81 450nm "Thor's Hammer" using my new Hyperion Argentum LPM

I just tested my NUBM44-81 450nm "Thor's Hammer" my new Hyperion Argentum 20 Watt Laser Power Meter Readings are after the collimating lens and the Cyl lens pair and I got 8992.540mW !
Re: I just tested my NUBM44-81 450nm "Thor's Hammer" using my new Hyperion Argentum L


What are the chances that the Hyperion Ag: 20Watt LPM would be out of calibration after only a few tests of lasers from 532nm 80mW up to a 450nm 8 watt laser?
In the event that the sensor is covered inside a tube, at that point putting the laser up to the tube incompletely blocking it can create a higher perusing, as warmth develops inside. One thing you would prefer not to do is put a modest spot on these sensors.