I really think I should know this..


Newly Enlightened
Mar 22, 2008
Burlington, NJ
Does anyone know where I can find a mounting board for a XP-E... I never really looked into them because I never thought I would get one but yeah.. One is on it's way to me right now.. I checked cutter out but they want $12 shipping for it.. Are there any places that charge much less for shipping (i.e free..) Or does anyone have one they are willing to sell shipped in a regular envelope?

Like I just ordered 35 boards from kaidomain for some P4's I got (S42180's :naughty:).. It was about $12 shipped.. Cutter wants 12 for shipping alone for 1 board :(..
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You can get 8mm boards from the Shoppe. They are fairly easy to reflow, but they are a bit small for my tastes. I think a 14mm board would be much more useful.

Where did you get your S42180's, and what bin are they? I just ordered some T1SSx bin S42180's from Mondo Electronics myself.
Hmm thanks for the link.. Still a bit too expensive at ~$6 for a single board.. I think I'll just come up with my own solution..

Lucky you! I got S1SSOH from a guy I know personally.. I got them at a great price though..
Cool. I usually buy from Mouser, but they've been out of stock for over a month...

The price must have gone up on the boards, I got them at $4 each. If you find something you like, be sure to post a link :thumbsup:
I got mine from the shoppe, they are very easy to use, but they are small for some applications.

I used a 25W (it was dying, so probably more like a 15-20W) radio hut soldering IRON! just barely tin the pads and head up the whole thing until you see the solder melt. a little goes a long way.
Yeah I've mounted a few P7's on boards before using a hot plate and some solder paste for dealsextreme.. It worked well but had a lot of extra flux(probably my fault).. I think I'm just going to design one for the xp and mill it out of solid copper for a direct thermal path.. Then I create a section that has the pads for the electrical traces out of copper clad board.. I'll post the design when I get around to it...